我们用 html/javascript 制作了一个游戏。不幸的是,这个项目有很多保密性,所以我不能透露太多代码。

然而本质是它在所有浏览器上都运行得非常好,除了 ie。通过使用<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">标签;现在唯一的问题是ie8,游戏需要兼容。我知道它几乎没有 html5 集成,但游戏确实可以运行,只是速度非常慢。

请记住,ie9 和 ie10 在使用标签之前也非常慢。游戏在 n 意义上是先进的或任何东西。所以我想知道是否有人知道什么会导致这样的问题?


    // Global constants:
var PLAYGROUND_WIDTH    = 1000;
var PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT    = 1000;
var REFRESH_RATE        = 30;

//Constants for the gameplay
var smallStarSpeed        = 1; //pixels per frame

var mediumStarSpeed       = 3; //pixels per frame

var bigStarSpeed          = 5; //pixels per frame

var percent = 1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --                      the main declaration:                     --
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

//Calculate playground width and height:
PLAYGROUND_WIDTH = $(window).width() - 20;
PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT = $(window).height() - 20;

//Calculate Layour for responsive Design.
//Calculate Area:

// Animations declaration: 
// The background:    

var DM = new DeckManager;
var IM = new ImageManager;


//DEBUG: Loading images for demo, this should be done using the image manager in the actual game.
var background1 = new $.gameQuery.Animation({
    imageURL: "http://gamequeryjs.com/demos/3/background1.png"});
var background2 = new $.gameQuery.Animation({
    imageURL: "http://gamequeryjs.com/demos/3/background2.png"}); 
var background3 = new $.gameQuery.Animation({
    imageURL: "http://gamequeryjs.com/demos/3/background3.png"});
var background4 = new $.gameQuery.Animation({
    imageURL: "http://gamequeryjs.com/demos/3/background4.png"});
var background5 = new $.gameQuery.Animation({
    imageURL: "http://gamequeryjs.com/demos/3/background5.png"});
var background6 = new $.gameQuery.Animation({
    imageURL: "http://gamequeryjs.com/demos/3/background6.png"});

    var Face = new Array();

            var resizeTimer;

//Event to handle resizing
//This event should fire under any circimstance, except when safari is NOT maximized, and windows resolution is changed (WTF?)
$(window).resize(function () 
    resizeTimer = setTimeout(Resized, 100);

//Actual Resizing Event
function Resized() 
    //Your function goes here

    //Calculate playground width and height:
    PLAYGROUND_WIDTH = $(window).width() - 20;
    PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT = $(window).height() - 20;

    //Calculate Layout for responsive Design.

// Initialize the game:
    keyTracker: true,
    mouseTracker: true});

// Initialize the background
    .addGroup("background", {width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                             height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT})
    .addSprite("background1", {animation: background1, 
                               width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                               height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT})  
    .addSprite("background2", {animation: background2,
                               width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                               height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT, 
                               posx: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH})
    .addSprite("background3", {animation: background3, 
                               width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                               height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT})
    .addSprite("background4", {animation: background4, 
                               width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                               height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT, 
                               posx: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH})
    .addSprite("background5", {animation: background5, 
                               width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                               height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT})
    .addSprite("background6", {animation: background6, 
                               width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                               height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT, 
                               posx: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH})
//Setup obects so they can be reached randomly
var Vals = new Array();
var Vals2 = new Array();
var Turned = 0;
var TurnedMax = 2;

//This will ensure that two cards of each are added to the deck
//This function will be handled by the imagemanager at later stages.
for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfCards; ++i)
    Vals[i] = Math.floor(i/2);


DM.Create(Vals, Vals2, NumberOfCards, 1);

//Generate the actual object

    .addGroup("object", {width: PLAYGROUND_WIDTH, 
                             height: PLAYGROUND_HEIGHT})

for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfCards+1; ++i)
    //Generate unique ID for the card
    var name = "object"+i;

    val = DM.Pushobject();

    //Add the actual card to the playground, we spawn them in a responsive awy based on the resolution of the game.
    $("#object").addSprite(name, {animation: IM.GetBack(), width: 208, height: 303, posx: (i%(Math.ceil(noc*Ratio))) *SpaceX + SpaceX - 104 + LastYOff * (  i>=  (NumberOfCards + NumberOfCardsBonus) - ((NumberOfCards + NumberOfCardsBonus)%(Math.ceil(noc*Ratio))) ) , posy: Math.floor( i / (Math.ceil(noc*Ratio))  ) * SpaceY + SpaceY - 152 });//

    //Add a class to the object, this, does nothing except make us able to search for objects with the same class later in the code.

    //Create the actual class for the object, this will add logic to the object.
    $("#"+name)[0].Cards = new Cards($("#"+name));
    $("#"+name)[0].Cards.Create(val, IM.GetImage(val), IM.GetImage(3), IM.GetBack(), DM.LastBonus(), Scale);

    //Add a mousedown event for the card, this mousedown will be run in the main
    //environment rather than the class environment to make sure that we have access
    //to all the data we need access to.
        var Ready = 0;
            if (this.object.visible && (this.object.Turning==true || this.object.FlippedV==true))
        //Find all the objects with the tag/class card.
            //Check if the mouse clicked the object, if it's still part of the game, and if it has not been flipped.
            if (e.clickedobject
            && Ready<TurnedMax)
                //Run the clicked event for the card, this will start events etc.
                //Increase the turned counter, if we have turned the correct amount of objectto be compared
                //then compare them.
                if (this.Cards.Bonus == false)
                    if (Turned==TurnedMax)
                        //We have turned the amount of object needed
                        //Find out which value the first object has, and use this as a base to compare if cards match.
                        //Also instantiate a counter for the amount of cards actually matching.
                        //It's done this way if you want a variable number of object needed for a match.
                        var Correct = this.object.value;
                        var CorrectAmount = 0;
                            //For each card, if they are flipped, are not going into hiding/deletion, and has the
                            //Correct value, increase the counter for the number of objects matching.
                            if (this.object.Flipped == true && this.object.Hiding==0 && this.object.value == Correct)


                        //If we have a correct match
                        if (CorrectAmount==TurnedMax)
                                //Foreach object that is flipped and not in hiding, delete them (aka. yay, you got a match).
                                if (this.object.Flipped==true && this.object.Hiding==0)

                            //Foreach objectthat was not in hiding and was not part of the match, unflip them again.
                            if (this.object.Flipped==true && this.object.Hiding==0)



// this sets the id of the loading bar (NOT USED YET):
//initialize the start button

//This is for the background animation (DEBUG)

$("#background1").x(($("#background1").x() + smallStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);
$("#background2").x(($("#background2").x() + smallStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);

$("#background3").x(($("#background3").x() + mediumStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);
$("#background4").x(($("#background4").x() + mediumStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);

$("#background5").x(($("#background5").x() + bigStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);
$("#background6").x(($("#background6").x() + bigStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);

//Basic Game Engine!!

    //For each card, perform their step event.


2 回答 2


你说你正在使用<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">.


它在 IE9 或 IE8 中根本不起作用。

它将在 IE10 和 IE11 中产生影响,但这种影响会将浏览器拉入向后兼容模式,这基本上意味着您告诉 IE10 及更高版本关闭它们的一些新功能并假装是IE9。


如果你必须有一个X-UA-Compatible标志,它唯一合理的值是IE=edge. 这将强制所有 IE 版本使用它们可用的最佳模式。在大多数情况下,这无论如何都是默认值,但在默认值是其他东西的少数情况下,它可能会有所帮助。

但是你在这里抱怨的真正问题是性能,我可以明确地告诉你,这与X-UA-Compatible标志完全无关——正如我所说,你设置它的方式无论如何都不会对 IE8 产生任何影响,所以这不是减慢速度的原因。

归根结底,您对 IE8 的问题可能归结为一个简单的事实,即它只是一个比更高版本慢得多的浏览器您可能根本无法让 IE8 表现得足够好,无法达到您想要的效果。

IE9 和 IE10 要好得多,所以你应该能够通过一些调整从它们那里获得合理的性能,所以你最好的希望可能是做一些性能调整。

性能测试的最佳选择是升级到 IE11,它具有IE10 更好的开发工具,包括一些非常好的分析站点性能的工具。


所以我的建议是:下载 IE11 并尝试新开发工具中的新性能测试功能。希望这足以让您入门,但是如果您仍然找不到问题,请尝试询问更具体的问题,即为什么您的代码的特定位很慢。

我建议的另一件事是尝试减少对 jQuery 等库的使用。

jQuery 非常有用,但它确实会对性能产生影响。尽可能尝试切换到本机 Javascript。


$("#background1").x(($("#background1").x() + smallStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);


var $bg1 = $("#background1");
$bg1.x(($bg1.x() + smallStarSpeed +PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) % (2 * PLAYGROUND_WIDTH) - PLAYGROUND_WIDTH);

更好的是,如果您可以使用document.getElementByTagName而不是 jQuery 来完成,您将为自己节省更多的性能。



于 2013-08-21T09:15:29.260 回答

放入<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" > 您的 html 头标签并尝试。打开兼容性视图会将 IE 转换为 IE8 呈现。


于 2013-08-21T08:06:12.847 回答