这是我最终得到的结果:从 super 中捕获异常,然后确定抛出它的原因是否是产品不可用。如果是,则重定向到 404 页面,否则重新抛出异常。
public void performExecute( ) throws ECException {
try {
} catch (final ECApplicationException e) {
// Let's see if the problem is something that should really be causing a redirect
// If we get here, noting else was thrown
log.error("The reason super.performExecute threw an ECException is unknown and so we can't recover. Re-throwing it.");
throw e;
...在 makeProductblablabla 方法中:
private ProductDataHelper makeProductHelperAndRedirectTo404IfProductNotAvailable(final ECException cause) throws ECSystemException,
ECApplicationException {
final ProductDataHelper productHelper;
try {
log.trace("Trying to determine if the reason super.performExecute threw an ECException is that the product is unavailable in the store. The execption is attached to this logline.", cause);
productHelper = makeProductHelper(getProductId());
if (productHelper != null) {
if (!productHelper.isActiveInClub()) {
log.trace("Decided that the reason super.performExecute threw an ECException is that the product is unavailable in the store. The execption is attached to this logline. NB! That exception is DISCARDED", cause);
final String pn = productHelper.getISBN();
final ECApplicationException systemException = new ECApplicationException(ECMessage._ERR_PROD_NOT_EXISTING, this.getClass().getName(), "productIsPublished", new Object[]{ pn });
throw systemException;
return productHelper;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
log.error("I was trying to determine if the reason super.performExecute threw an ECException is that the product is unavailable in the store. The original ECException is attached to this logline. NB! That exception is DISCARDED", cause);
throw new ECSystemException(ECMessage._ERR_GENERIC, super.getClass().getName(), "performExecute",ECMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(e.getMessage()), e);
} catch (NamingException e) {
log.error("I was trying to determine if the reason super.performExecute threw an ECException is that the product is unavailable in the store. The original ECException is attached to this logline. NB! That exception is DISCARDED", cause);
throw new ECSystemException(ECMessage._ERR_GENERIC, super.getClass().getName(), "performExecute",ECMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(e.getMessage()), e);
} catch (FinderException e) {
log.error("I was trying to determine if the reason super.performExecute threw an ECException is that the product is unavailable in the store. The original ECException is attached to this logline. NB! That exception is DISCARDED", cause);
throw new ECSystemException(ECMessage._ERR_GENERIC, super.getClass().getName(), "performExecute",ECMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(e.getMessage()), e);
} catch (CreateException e) {
log.error("I was trying to determine if the reason super.performExecute threw an ECException is that the product is unavailable in the store. The original ECException is attached to this logline. NB! That exception is DISCARDED", cause);
throw new ECSystemException(ECMessage._ERR_GENERIC, super.getClass().getName(), "performExecute",ECMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(e.getMessage()), e);