我正在运行以下 bat 文件并出现错误
assertion "root_idx != -1" failed:
file "/ext/build/netrel/src/cygwin-1.7.1-1/winsup/cygwin/mount.cc",
line 363, function: void mount_info::init()
Stack trace: Some random stack trace
ENd of stack Trace
@echo off
set /a run=1
echo "Beginning of Loop"
echo %run%
wmic process where "name like '%%java%%' and CommandLine like '%%abc%%'" get caption, CommandLine | findstr "abc" 1>nul || set /a run=0
if %run%==0 (
echo "Process Not Running"
start cmd /c 'path to file')
echo "Taking a Pause"
sleep 10
goto :top