为邮件和获取邮件配置,但对话框中的用户评论没有添加到邮件文本中,我的 acra 配置看起来像这样
mode = ReportingInteractionMode.DIALOG,
mailTo = "bugmail_me_xyz@gmail.com",
customReportContent = { ReportField.APP_VERSION_CODE, ReportField.APP_VERSION_NAME,
ReportField.STACK_TRACE, ReportField.LOGCAT },
//resToastText = R.string.crash_toast_text, // optional, displayed as soon as the crash occurs, before collecting data which can take a few seconds
resDialogText = R.string.crash_dialog_text,
resDialogIcon = android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info, //optional. default is a warning sign
resDialogTitle = R.string.crash_dialog_title, // optional. default is your application name
resDialogCommentPrompt = R.string.crash_dialog_comment_prompt, // optional. when defined, adds a user text field input with this text resource as a label
resDialogOkToast = R.string.crash_dialog_ok_toast // optional. displays a Toast message when the user accepts to send a report.