我需要对从 web 表单进入 servlet1 的数字进行一些验证。该过程需要看起来像:
1.) User sends two numbers (t1 and t2) to servlet1 from a web form
2.) Servlet 1 validates the numbers by checking: if (t2-t1)>2 , then t2 = t1 + 2
3.) The validated numbers are actually sent directly back to the jsp
4.) The end user's browser calls a different servlet2 with the output from this servlet1.
5.) The end user might repeat this process many times, producing many iterations of customized output
a.) setting attributes in servlet1 for t1 and t2 which are sent back to the user's browser with the results of the validation, so that
b.) numbers with a valid difference (<=2) can then be sent into servlet2.
我的问题与如何管理参数和属性之间的差异有关。我认为数据从 html 输入文本框中的参数开始。我在文本框中有 jstl 代码,以确保有有效数据。但我的 jstl 只适用于参数。在最终用户第一次使用 Web 表单后,我认为所有后续迭代都将使用属性而不是参数。谁能告诉我如何重新编写将管理属性和参数值的代码,以使数据始终保持应有的状态?
到目前为止,我有一个带有 html 表单的 jsp,其中包含以下格式的输入字段:
<input type="text" name="t1" value="${empty param.t1 ? '-1' : param.t1}" size="15" />
<input type="text" name="t2" value="${empty param.t2 ? '1' : param.t2}" size="15" />
String t1 = request.getParameter("t1");
String t2 = request.getParameter("t2");
t2 = String.valueOf((double)t1 + 2);
request.setAttribute("t1", t1);
request.setAttribute("t2", t2);