将以下类(来自 jquery Grails 插件)添加到您的应用程序
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.JavascriptProvider
class JQueryProvider implements JavascriptProvider {
* doRemoteFunction creates a jQuery-AJAX-Call
* @param taglib
* @param attrs
* @param out
* @return the jQuery-like formatted code for an AJAX-request
def doRemoteFunction(taglib, attrs, out) {
// Optional, onLoad
if (attrs.onLoading) {
out << "${attrs.onLoading};"
// Start ajax
out << /jQuery.ajax({/
// Method
def method = (attrs.method ? attrs.remove('method') : 'POST')
out << "type:'$method'"
// Optional, synchron call
if ("false" == attrs.asynchronous) {
out << ",async:false"
// Optional, dataType to use
if (attrs.dataType) {
out << ",dataType:'${attrs.remove('dataType')}'"
// Additional attributes
if (attrs.params || attrs.jsParams) {
if (!(attrs?.params instanceof Map)) {
// tags like remoteField don't deliver a map
out << ",data:${attrs.remove('params')}"
} else {
out << ",data:{"
boolean hasParams = false
if (attrs?.params instanceof Map) {
hasParams = true
out << attrs.remove('params').collect { k, v ->
"\'" +
"${k}".encodeAsJavaScript() +
"\': \'" +
"${v}".encodeAsJavaScript() +
if (attrs?.jsParams instanceof Map) {
if (hasParams) {
out << ","
out << attrs.remove('jsParams').collect { k, v ->
"\'" +
"${k}".encodeAsJavaScript() +
"\': \'" +
"${v}".encodeAsJavaScript() +
out << "}"
// build url
def url = attrs.url ? taglib.createLink(attrs.remove('url')) : taglib.createLink(attrs);
out << ", url:'${url}'"
// Add callback
buildCallback(attrs, out)
// find all onX callback events
def callbacks = attrs.findAll { k, v ->
k ==~ /on(\p{Upper}|\d){1}\w+/
// remove all onX callback events
callbacks.each { k, v ->
out << "});"
// Yeah, I know, return is not needed, but I like it
return out
* Helper method to create callback object
* @param attrs Attributes to use for the callback
* @param out Variable to attache the output
def buildCallback(attrs, out) {
// TODO check for strlen
if (out) {
out << ','
//*** success
out << 'success:function(data,textStatus){'
if (attrs.onLoaded) {
out << "${attrs.onLoaded};"
if (attrs.update instanceof Map) {
if (attrs.update?.success) {
out << "jQuery('#${attrs.update.success}').html(data);"
} else if (attrs.update) {
out << "jQuery('#${attrs.update}').html(data);"
if (attrs.onSuccess) {
out << "${attrs.onSuccess};"
out << '}'
//*** failure
out << ',error:function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus,errorThrown){'
if (attrs.update instanceof Map) {
if (attrs.update?.failure) {
// Applied to GRAILSPLUGINS-1919
out << "jQuery('#${attrs.update?.failure}').html(XMLHttpRequest.responseText);"
if (attrs.onFailure) {
out << "${attrs.onFailure};"
out << '}'
if (attrs.onComplete) {
out << ",complete:function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus){${attrs.onComplete}}"
* Serializes the surrounding form.
* @param attrs attrs.params to serialize
def prepareAjaxForm(attrs) {
// Fix for http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRAILSPLUGINS-1865
if (attrs.forSubmitTag) {
attrs.params = "jQuery(this).parents('form:first').serialize()".toString()
else {
attrs.params = "jQuery(this).serialize()".toString()
将此类注册为提供者(用于 AJAX GSP 标签)Bootstrap.groovy
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.JavascriptTagLib
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
JavascriptTagLib.PROVIDER_MAPPINGS.jquery = JQueryProvider