I have created a kendo grid with a checkbox column that when selected will select the row and persist the selected state. Everything works fine however when I apply the OnDataBound event, this function must be declared in a script tag that is above the Kendo() grid. where as the document.ready function must be declared in a script tag at the bottom of the Kendo() grid.

I don't quite understand why that is? I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 with Razor technology.



1 回答 1


一些 Kendo 控件会查找它们的相关脚本,如果它们未在页面顶部定义,则当页面从上到下顺序加载时,并且 kendo 网格在脚本加载之前加载,因此它认为它未定义。Document.Ready 不必位于页面顶部。它甚至可以在页面顶部定义,但这不是必需的。

于 2013-08-20T21:37:42.477 回答