我在让单元测试在 cabal 下运行时遇到了惊人的困难。我从cabal 文档中逐字复制了测试代码,但更改了模块名称
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Test.Integral ( tests ) where
import Distribution.TestSuite
instance TestOptions (String, Bool) where
name = fst
options = const []
defaultOptions _ = return (Options [])
check _ _ = []
instance PureTestable (String, Bool) where
run (name, result) _ | result == True = Pass
| result == False = Fail (name ++ " failed!")
test :: (String, Bool) -> Test
test = pure
-- In actual usage, the instances 'TestOptions (String, Bool)' and
-- 'PureTestable (String, Bool)', as well as the function 'test', would be
-- provided by the test framework.
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ test ("bar-1", True)
, test ("bar-2", False)
Not in scope: type constructor or class `TestOptions'
Not in scope: type constructor or class `PureTestable'
我尝试直接从 Distribution.TestSuite 导入它们,但它说它们没有被导出。这很简单,我必须做一些愚蠢的事情,但我看不出它是什么。