movetolast <- function(data, move) {
data[c(setdiff(names(data), move), move)]
movetolast(df, c("b", "c"))
# a d e f b c
# 1 1 Rabbit Cat Cat Cat Dog
# 2 2 Cat Dog Dog Dog Rabbit
# 3 3 Dog Dog Dog Rabbit Cat
# 4 4 Dog Rabbit Rabbit Cat Dog
# 5 5 Rabbit Cat Cat Dog Dog
moveMe <- function(data, tomove, where = "last", ba = NULL) {
temp <- setdiff(names(data), tomove)
x <- switch(
first = data[c(tomove, temp)],
last = data[c(temp, tomove)],
before = {
if (is.null(ba)) stop("must specify ba column")
if (length(ba) > 1) stop("ba must be a single character string")
data[append(temp, values = tomove, after = (match(ba, temp)-1))]
after = {
if (is.null(ba)) stop("must specify ba column")
if (length(ba) > 1) stop("ba must be a single character string")
data[append(temp, values = tomove, after = (match(ba, temp)))]
moveMe(df, c("b", "c"))
moveMe(df, c("b", "c"), "first")
moveMe(df, c("b", "c"), "before", "e")
moveMe(df, c("b", "c"), "after", "e")
您需要对其进行调整以进行一些错误检查——例如,如果您尝试将列“b”和“c”移动到“c 之前”,您将(显然)得到一个错误。