


def recursive_dict_get(item, string, default=False):
    if not isinstance(item, dict):
        return default

    print "called with ", item, "and string", string
    if "." in string:
        attrs = string.split(".")
        parent = attrs.pop(0)
        rest = ".".join(attrs)
        result = item.get(parent, None)
        if result is None:
            return default
            return recursive_dict_get(item.get(parent, default), rest, default)
        return item.get(string, default)


foo = {
            "1": {
                "2": {
                    "3": {
                            "5": {
                                "6": {
                                    "7": "juice"

print recursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
print "*" * 3       
print recursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
print "*" * 3
print recursive_dict_get(foo, "1.3", False)

3 回答 3



parent, rest = string.split(".", 1)



def recursive_dict_get(item, string, default=False):
    for s in string.split('.'):
        if (isinstance(item, dict) and s in item):
            item = item[s]
            return default
    return item
于 2013-08-20T15:32:18.500 回答

Yes, your implementation is fairly inefficient, even though it isn't building any new dictionaries, bur rather returns potentially a lot of existing ones. Regardless, you could adapt the accepted answer to Access python nested dictionary items via a list of keys to reduce your access function to one line of code. This is similar to what J.F. Sebastian (@jfs) alluded to in his comment. My take on it would be something like this:

def nonrecursive_dict_get(item, key_string, default=False):
    return reduce(lambda d, k: d.get(k, default), key_string.split('.'), item)

print "*" * 3, 'using nonrecursive_dict_get()'
print nonrecursive_dict_get(foo, "")
print "*" * 3
print nonrecursive_dict_get(foo, "")
print "*" * 3
print nonrecursive_dict_get(foo, "1.3")


Whenever efficiency is a concern, often the best thing to do is run a benchmark of the various approaches. Here's one I've used a number of times:

global_setup = """
    foo = {
            "1": {
                "2": {
                    "3": {
                        "4": {
                            "5": {
                                "6": {
                                    "7": "juice"

testcases = {
    { 'setup' : """
        def recursive_dict_get(item, string, default=False):
            if not isinstance(item, dict):
                return default
            if "." in string:
                attrs = string.split(".")
                parent = attrs.pop(0)
                rest = ".".join(attrs)
                result = item.get(parent, None)
                if result is None:
                    return default
                    return recursive_dict_get(item.get(parent, default), rest, default)
                return item.get(string, default)
      'code' : """
        recursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
        recursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
        recursive_dict_get(foo, "1.3", False)

    { 'setup' : """
        def nonrecursive_dict_get(nested_dict, key_string, default=False):
            return reduce(lambda d, k: d.get(k, default), key_string.split('.'), nested_dict)
      'code' : """
        nonrecursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
        nonrecursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
        nonrecursive_dict_get(foo, "1.3", False)

"J.F. Sebastian":
    { 'setup' : """
        # modified to support 'default' keyword argument
        def quick_n_dirty(nested_dict, key_string, default=False):
            reduced = reduce(dict.get, key_string.split('.'), nested_dict)
            return default if reduced is None else reduced
      'code' : """
        quick_n_dirty(foo, "", False)
        quick_n_dirty(foo, "", False)
        quick_n_dirty(foo, "1.3", False)

    { 'setup' : """
        def recursive_dict_get(item, string, default=False):
            for s in string.split('.'):
                if (isinstance(item, dict) and s in item):
                    item = item[s]
                    return default
            return item
      'code' : """
        recursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
        recursive_dict_get(foo, "", False)
        recursive_dict_get(foo, "1.3", False)

    { 'setup' : """
        def getVal(d, keys, default):
            keys = keys.split(".")
            for key in keys:
                    d = d[key]
                except KeyError:
                    return default
            return d
      'code' : """
        getVal(foo, "", False)
        getVal(foo, "", False)
        getVal(foo, "1.3", False)

import sys
from textwrap import dedent
import timeit
N = 100000
R = 3

# remove leading whitespace from all code fragments
global_setup = dedent(global_setup)
for testcase in testcases.itervalues():
    for label, fragment in testcase.iteritems():
        testcase[label] = dedent(fragment)

timings = [(name,
                              setup=global_setup + testcases[name]['setup'],
                              repeat=R, number=N)),
           ) for name in testcases]

longest_name = max(len(t[0]) for t in timings)

print('fastest to slowest timings:\n'
      '  ({:,d} calls, best of {:d} repetitions)\n'.format(N, R))

ranked = sorted(timings, key=lambda t: t[1])  # sort by speed (fastest first)
for timing in ranked:
    print("{:>{width}} : {:.6f} secs ({rel:>8.6f}x)".format(
          timing[0], timing[1], rel=timing[1]/ranked[0][1], width=longest_name))


fastest to slowest timings:
  (100,000 calls, best of 3 repetitions)

J.F. Sebastian : 1.287209 secs (1.000000x)
      Brionius : 1.420099 secs (1.103239x)
      arshajii : 1.431521 secs (1.112112x)
     martineau : 2.031539 secs (1.578251x)
           jay : 7.817713 secs (6.073384x)

As you can see, J.F. Sebastian's suggestion is the fastest, even with the modification I put in to make it the same as the others.

于 2013-08-20T17:26:39.313 回答


def getVal(d, keys, default):
    keys = keys.split(".")  # You can avoid this first step if you're willing to use a list like ["1", "2", "3"...] as an input instead of a string like "1.2.3..."
    for key in keys:
            d = d[key]
        except KeyError:
            return default
    return d

如果您愿意,我可以对其进行分析 - 让我知道。请记住,除非您遇到或有理由相信您会遇到瓶颈,否则优化是没有意义的。

于 2013-08-20T15:36:27.383 回答