

set finalList [list ]
foreach selcetion  $selectionList {
    regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
    for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
        lappend finalList $i
set finalList [lrmdups $finalList]


set finalList [list ]
foreach selcetion  $selectionList {
    regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
    for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
        if {[lsearch $finalList $i] == -1} {
            lappend finalList $i



3 回答 3


使用time命令测试 Tcl 代码的性能。确保将代码放在一个过程中以获得对其进行字节编译的好处,然后使用 time 命令多次运行测试并获得每次迭代的平均时间。例如,这里有一个例子说明为什么 expr 表达式应该总是被大括号括起来。

% proc a {} {expr 1 + 2 + 3}
% proc b {} {expr {1 + 2 + 3}}
% time a 1000
4.491 microseconds per iteration
% time b 1000
0.563 microseconds per iteration

为了处理特定任务 - 我会将每个新值添加到一个数组中,让它吃掉重复项,然后在最后将它变成一个列表。

proc getUniques {wantedSize} {
    array set uniques {}
    while {[array size uniques] != $wantedSize} {
         set uniques([getNewValue]) {}
    return [array names uniques]
于 2013-08-20T15:21:36.193 回答


#!/usr/bin/env tclsh

package require Tclx
package require struct::set

proc removeDupMethod {selectionList} {
    set finalList [list ]
    foreach selection $selectionList {
        regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
        for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
            lappend finalList $i
    set finalList [lrmdups $finalList]
    return $finalList

proc searchBeforInsertMethod {selectionList} {
    set finalList [list ]
    foreach selection $selectionList {
        regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
        for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
            if {[lsearch $finalList $i] == -1} {
                lappend finalList $i

proc useArrayMethod {selectionList} {
    array set tally {}
    foreach selection $selectionList {
        regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
        for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
            incr tally($i)
    set finalList [array names tally]
    return $finalList

proc useStructSetMethod {selectionList} {
    set finalList {}
    foreach selection $selectionList {
        regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
        for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
            struct::set include finalList $i
    return $finalList

# Performs the benchmark on a method
proc bench {methodName} {
    set selectionList {1:10 5:20 10:30 4:30}
    set timeInfo [time {$methodName $selectionList} 1000]
    puts "$methodName - $timeInfo"

# main
bench removeDupMethod
bench searchBeforInsertMethod
bench useArrayMethod
bench useStructSetMethod


removeDupMethod - 281.961364 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 93.984991 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 122.354889 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 576.293311 microseconds per iteration


  • 您的第二种方法 ,searchBeforInsertMethod是最快的。
  • useArrayMethod,它使用数组来确保唯一性,排在第二位。这就是说TCL的内置列表命令是非常优化的。
  • 令我惊讶的是,这useStructSetMethod是最慢的。我认为应该优化库命令,但我错了。


我接受了 Siyb 的提示并替换:

regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end


set range [split $selection :]
set start [lindex $selection 0]
set end [lindex $selection 1]


removeDupMethod - 9.337442 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 5.528975999999999 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 6.8120519999999996 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 5.774831 microseconds per iteration
useNative - 6.105141 microseconds per iteration


  • 最快的还是searchBeforInsertMethod,速度提升近17倍。
  • useStructSetMethod现在上升到第二位

更新 2

根据 potrzebie 的要求,我在开头添加了 5000:6000 并且数字变化不大:

removeDupMethod - 10.826106 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 6.296769 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 7.752042 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 6.910305999999999 microseconds per iteration
useNative - 7.274724 microseconds per iteration
于 2013-08-20T15:48:05.320 回答

I have tried using lsort -unique $list instead of lrmdups. On my box, this is the fastest method:

proc useNative {selectionList} {
        foreach selection $selectionList {
            regexp {(\d+):(\d+)} $selection -> start end
            for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
                lappend finalList $i
        set finalList [lsort -unique $finalList]
        return $finalList

removeDupMethod - 171.573 microseconds per iteration
searchBeforInsertMethod - 58.264 microseconds per iteration
useArrayMethod - 96.109 microseconds per iteration
useStructSetMethod - 386.889 microseconds per iteration
useNative - 41.556 microseconds per iteration

EDIT: using split instead of the regular expression speeds up things as well (if the regex is actually part of your problem):

useNative - 20.938 microseconds per iteration

EDIT2: try adding -integer as a lsort parameter, should speed up things a little as well, if your are planning on sorting integers that is

于 2013-08-20T16:17:33.633 回答