"Well Done!".toLowerCase().replace(/\s/, '-').replace(/[^\w-]/gi, '');
"Well Done!".toLowerCase().replace(/\s/, '-').replace(/[^\w-]/gi, '');
至少在其他语言中,调用正则表达式引擎的成本很高。我不确定这是否适用于 JavaScript,但这是“C 风格”的做法。我确信自己对其性能进行基准测试将是一次宝贵的学习经验。
var x = "Well Done!";
var y = "";
var c;
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
c = x.charCodeAt(i);
if (c >= 48 && c <= 57 || c >= 97 && c <= 122)
y += x[i];
else if (c >= 65 && c <= 90)
y += String.fromCharCode(c+32);
else if (c == 32 || c >= 9 && c <= 13)
y += '-';
有关 ASCII 代码,请参见http://www.asciitable.com/。这是一个 jsFiddle。请注意,我还toLowerCase()
简单地通过在大写字母上添加 32 来实现您的。
的代码,因此更喜欢正则表达式,或者如果 JavaScript 中存在某种函数,则使用某种函数。这个答案纯粹是为了教育。
Note: I thought I could come up with a faster solution with a single regex, but I couldn't. Below is my failed method (you can learn from failure), and the results of a performance test, and my conclusion.
Efficiency can be measured many ways. If you wanted to reduce the number of functions called, then you could use a single regex and a function to handle the replacement.
The first group will have toLowerCase()
applied, the second will be replaced with a -
and the third will return nothing. I originally used +
quantifier for groups 1 and 3, but given the expected nature of the text, removing it result in faster execution. (thanks acheong87)
'Well Done!'.replace(/([A-Z])|(\s)|([^a-z\d])/g, function (match, $0, $1) {
if ($0) return String.fromCharCode($0.charCodeAt(0) + 32);
else if ($1) return '-';
return '';
My method was the worst performing:
Acheong87 fastest
Original 16% slower
Mine 53% slower
Your method is the most efficient in terms of code development time, and the performance penalty versus acheong87's method is offset by code maintainability, readability, and complexity reduction. I would use your version unless speed was of the utmost importance.
The more optional matches I added to the regular expression, the greater the performance penalty. I can't think of any advantages to my method except for the function reduction, but that is offset by the if
statements and increase in complexity.