我正在通过 VB 应用程序发送电子邮件。以下字符在某些电子邮件应用程序上正确显示,但在其他应用程序上,我得到了一个奇怪的替换(见附图)。我怎样才能使这些字符始终正确显示?
字符集:()&*%$#@! 〜; _ = + / - ?
信息:18cm – 22cm 宽;脂肪O
结果 :
无论使用哪一个字符,结果始终与所附图像相同。无法正确显示的应用程序是 Outlook < 2013。
Sub subHtmlEmail(ByVal strAddresseeEmail As String, ByVal strGroup As String)
Dim strTo, strFrom, strBody, strSubject, strBcc As String
Dim boolHtml As Boolean = True ' set the body content to plain text(false) or HTML(true)
strFrom = "sales@humeat.com"
strTo = strAddresseeEmail ' ; Separates emails
strBcc = "" ' ; Separates emails
strSubject = txtEmailSubject.Text
strBody = "<html><head></head><body>"
strBody = strBody & "<img src=cid:Logo>"
strBody &= "<br><br>"
strBody &= "Dear " & clsGroupCustomers.RetrieveAddressee(strAddresseeEmail, strGroup) & ",<br><br>"
Dim strLines As String() = txtBody.Text.Split(New [Char]() {CChar(vbCrLf)})
For Each strLine As String In strLines
strBody &= strLine & "<br>"
strBody &= "<br><br>"
Dim strFooterLines As String() = txtFooter.Text.Split(New [Char]() {CChar(vbCrLf)})
For Each strFooterLine As String In strFooterLines
strBody &= strFooterLine & "<br>"
HTMLView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(strBody, Nothing, "text/html")
strBody &= "</body></html>"
subEmail(strFrom, strTo, strBcc, strSubject, strBody, boolHtml, strAddresseeEmail)
'subEmail(strFrom, strTo, strBcc, strSubject, System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strBody), boolHtml, strAddresseeEmail)
Catch ex As Exception
Cursor = Cursors.Default
MsgBox("An error has occurred in your application while attempting to create the email." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Description: " & ex.Message & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Please contact your System Administrator.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Application Error")
Exit Sub
End Try
End Sub
'Send the email
Sub subEmail(ByVal strFrom, ByVal strTo, ByVal strBcc, ByVal strSubject, ByVal strBody, ByVal bolHtml, ByVal strAddresseeEmail)
'Dim strMailServer As String = "smtp.dsl.telkomsa.net"
Dim strMailServer As String = "smtp.insightsa.net"
'Dim strMailServer As String = "smtp.humeat.com"
'Dim strMailServer As String = "mail.humeat.com"
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim objAttachment As Attachment
Dim objMail As New MailMessage()
objMail.From = New MailAddress(strFrom)
Dim i As Integer
Dim arrArray As Array
arrArray = Split(strTo, ";")
For i = 0 To arrArray.Length - 1
arrArray = Split(strBcc, ";")
For i = 0 To arrArray.Length - 1
If Not arrArray(i) = "" Then objMail.Bcc.Add(arrArray(i))
For intCount = 0 To lstAttachments.Items.Count - 1
objAttachment = New Attachment(lstAttachments.Items(intCount).ToString)
' [TW 20110309]
' Create the LinkedResource (embedded image)
Dim logo As New LinkedResource("C:\humeat.bmp")
logo.ContentId = "Logo"
' [TW 20110309]
' Add the LinkedResource to the appropriate view
' [TW 20110309]
' Add the views
objMail.Subject = strSubject
objMail.Body = strBody
objMail.IsBodyHtml = bolHtml
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient(strMailServer)
smtp.Port = "587" ' This is not the default port of 25 but a special smtp port because they use Mweb. HC. 2-8-2011
smtp.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("humeat@insightsa.net", "123Four56")
Catch ex As Exception
Cursor = Cursors.Default
'MsgBox("An error has occurred in your application while attempting to send the email to " & strTo & "." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Description: " & ex.Message & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Please contact your System Administrator.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Application Error")
lstEmailsNotSent.Items.Add(clsGroupCustomers.RetrieveAddressee(strAddresseeEmail, cboEmailGroup.Text) & " (" & strTo & ") - " & ex.Message)
Exit Sub
End Try
End Sub