Im new to the javascript module pattern and can't get something like this to work, am I missing something? The $.bind don't give any errors and dropBox is not NULL.
var Application = (function(d, w, $) {
var drop, dragStart, dragEnter, dragOver, dragLeave;
drop = function(e) {
dragStart = function(e) {
dragEnter = function(e) {
dragOver = function(e) {
dragLeave = function(e) {
return {
init: function() {
var dropBox = $('#someid');
dropBox.bind('dragstart', dragStart);
dropBox.bind('dragenter', dragEnter);
dropBox.bind('dragover', dragOver);
dropBox.bind('drop', drop);
dropBox.bind('dragleave', dragLeave);
})(document, window, window.jQuery);