I am looking for a way to find the songs the user has stared in spotify. Does the Spotify app have a public content provider that i can access from my app?
Or is there a general way to find out which open content providers an app has?
I am looking for a way to find the songs the user has stared in spotify. Does the Spotify app have a public content provider that i can access from my app?
Or is there a general way to find out which open content providers an app has?
Spotify 应用程序不公开可以查询此类信息的公共内容提供者。按照建议,您最好在您的应用程序中为此使用 libspotify。
如果您嵌入 libspotify 并访问用户播放列表,这是可能的。libspotify 播放列表文档。不过,这对于您正在寻找的东西来说似乎有点太重了。