When I used Visual Studio 2012 and WinDDK 8.0 to compile sample code "Kernel mode display-only miniport driver (KMDOD) sample" from package "Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 8.0 Samples" downloaded from msdn wdk 8.0 sample, I got the following errors:

Error 1 error -1: "Inf2Cat, unknown failure." Double click to see the tool output.

The output file is "inf2catOutput.log", and the content is:

Inf2Cat Tool Output:
Signability test complete.


Unable to save the catalog.
Signability test failed.

The content of the output pane is:

1>------ Build started: Project: SampleDisplay, Configuration: Win8 Debug Win32 ------
1> Stamping Win8Debug\sampledisplay.inf [Version] section with DriverVer=08/20/2013,
1> BDD.cxx
1> BDD_DDI.cxx
1> BDD_DMM.cxx
1> BDD_Util.cxx
1> BltFuncs.cxx
1> BltHw.cxx
1> memory.cxx
1> Generating Code...
1> SampleDisplay.vcxproj -> S:_src\Kernel mode display-only miniport driver (KMDOD) sample\Solution\Sample\Win8Debug\SampleDisplay.sys
1> Done Adding Additional Store
1> Successfully signed: S:_src\Kernel mode display-only miniport driver (KMDOD) sample\Solution\Sample\Win8Debug\SampleDisplay.sys
2>------ Build started: Project: package (Package\package), Configuration: Win8 Debug Win32 ------
2> .....................
2> Signability test complete.
2> Errors:
2> None
2> Warnings:
2> None
2> Unable to save the catalog.
2> Signability test failed.
2>Win8Debug\inf2catOutput.log : Inf2Cat error -1: "Inf2Cat, unknown failure." Double click to see the tool output.

I haven't changed any of the settings or code in the sample, I just opened the solution then tried to build the code. any configurations or platforms will result in the same error.
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks!


2 回答 2


我有同样的问题。此问题的原因是更新http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2862973/与描述“更新为 Microsoft 根证书程序的 MD5 散列算法弃用”。通过此更新,MD5 哈希不再适用于:

  • 服务器认证
  • 代码签名
  • 时间戳

这意味着如果您的 inf2cat 使用 MD5 哈希来检查所包含文件的完整性,它将失败。解决方法是下载WDK 8.1,使用新版本的inf2cat。

于 2014-02-28T07:49:06.970 回答

我有同样的问题。在我的情况下,问题只发生在我为 Windows 8 构建时。Windows 7 构建没有问题。该问题是由 Microsoft 更新引起的 - http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=2862966 我删除了修复程序,禁用了更新,并且我的构建再次运行。

FWIW,这是我找到此信息的讨论的链接 - https://www.osronline.com/ShowThread.cfm?link=246887

于 2013-08-20T20:10:52.333 回答