I'm new to OpenGL and trying to run some classic sample code from Edward Angel's famous book Interactive Computer Graphics. However, I've encountered a problem which puzzles me a lot but is probably very obvious to many others. The sample code is "Gasket.c" which can be downloaded from http://www.cs.unm.edu/~angel/BOOK/INTERACTIVE_COMPUTER_GRAPHICS/FIFTH_EDITION/PROGRAMS/CHAPTER02/

I've run this code with VS2010 Express on my Lenovo X60 (windows 7) and it has successfully drawn Sierspinski Gasket. However, it did not draw anything and only showed a blank (white) window when I was trying to run the same code on my desktop (Intel HD Graphics card) with same software systems. The file was complied/built with no problems and there were no errors/warnings.

Gasket.c is as follows

/* Two-Dimensional Sierpinski Gasket          */
/* Generated Using Randomly Selected Vertices */
/* And Bisection                              */

#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <GLUT/glut.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

void myinit()

/* attributes */

     glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); /* white background */
     glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); /* draw in red */

/* set up viewing */
/* 500 x 500 window with origin lower left */

     gluOrtho2D(0.0, 50.0, 0.0, 50.0);

void display( void )
    GLfloat vertices[3][2]={{0.0,0.0},{25.0,50.0},{50.0,0.0}}; /* A triangle */

    int j, k;
    int rand();       /* standard random number generator */
    GLfloat p[2] ={7.5,5.0};  /* An arbitrary initial point inside traingle */

    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);  /*clear the window */

/* compute and plots 5000 new points */


    for( k=0; k<5000; k++)
         j=rand()%3; /* pick a vertex at random */

     /* Compute point halfway between selected vertex and old point */

         p[0] = (p[0]+vertices[j][0])/2.0; 
         p[1] = (p[1]+vertices[j][1])/2.0;

     /* plot new point */


     glFlush(); /* clear buffers */

void main(int argc, char** argv)

/* Standard GLUT initialization */

    glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); /* default, not needed */
    glutInitWindowSize(500,500); /* 500 x 500 pixel window */
    glutInitWindowPosition(0,0); /* place window top left on display */
    glutCreateWindow("Sierpinski Gasket"); /* window title */
    glutDisplayFunc(display); /* display callback invoked when window opened */

    myinit(); /* set attributes */

    glutMainLoop(); /* enter event loop */

1 回答 1


Try switching from single-buffering (GLUT_SINGLE) to double-buffering (GLUT_DOUBLE):

#include <GL/glut.h>

void display( void )
    GLfloat vertices[3][2]={{0.0,0.0},{25.0,50.0},{50.0,0.0}}; /* A triangle */

    int j, k;
    int rand();       /* standard random number generator */
    GLfloat p[2] ={7.5,5.0};  /* An arbitrary initial point inside traingle */

    glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); /* white background */
    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);  /*clear the window */


    gluOrtho2D(0.0, 50.0, 0.0, 50.0);

    /* compute and plots 5000 new points */
    glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); /* draw in red */
    for( k=0; k<5000; k++)
        j=rand()%3; /* pick a vertex at random */

        /* Compute point halfway between selected vertex and old point */
        p[0] = (p[0]+vertices[j][0])/2.0; 
        p[1] = (p[1]+vertices[j][1])/2.0;

        /* plot new point */



void main(int argc, char** argv)
    glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB); /* default, not needed */
    glutInitWindowSize(500,500); /* 500 x 500 pixel window */
    glutInitWindowPosition(0,0); /* place window top left on display */
    glutCreateWindow("Sierpinski Gasket"); /* window title */
    glutDisplayFunc(display); /* display callback invoked when window opened */
    glutMainLoop(); /* enter event loop */
于 2013-08-20T14:40:27.817 回答