我正在使用 wso2esb4.7.0 和 ActiveMQ 5.8.0 版本我遵循他们提供的 wso2esb 文档存储和转发消息存储策略但我不想存储我只想使用那些已经由我的客户端应用程序存储的消息我希望汇集每 5 秒的消息是否可以在 wso2esb jms 中使用 ActiveMq 编写代理的示例代码

<messageProcessor name="Duplicate5" class="org.apache.synapse.message.processors.forward.ScheduledMessageForwardingProcessor" messageStore="Duplicate" xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">
   <parameter name="interval">1000</parameter>
   <parameter name="message.processor.reply.sequence">fault</parameter>



3 回答 3


The message store persists the messages in the form of serializable Java objects. This might contain certain underlying information(E.g.: Properties) which is not visible in the message when you view message details in the ActiveMQ console. The message processor uses such information stored by the store when processing the message. Therefore, as far as I understand, the message store and message processor should be used together if you want to make things functional.

If you're straightaway storing the received messages in ActiveMQ queue, you might have to configure the message consumer manually. Check this usecase [1].

And also look in to this blogpost example to get an idea [2].

[1] http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/ESB470/ESB+as+a+JMS+Consumer

[2] http://nuwanwimalasekara.blogspot.com/2013/04/jms-proxy-service-using-wso2-esb.html

Hope this helps.

于 2013-08-21T07:16:54.780 回答


如果你想使用 ESB 从 JMS 中使用监听/拉取,你必须使用ESB 作为 JMS Consumer。请进一步参阅文档以了解实施细节。

于 2014-03-06T04:01:30.023 回答

要从队列中提取消息,您需要使用 JMS 传输..检查示例的 JMS 代理..

于 2013-08-20T12:20:39.910 回答