您好,我是初学者,目前正在尝试学习 java 编程。教科书上的问题:
编写一个程序,帮助人们决定是否购买混合动力汽车。您的程序的输入应该是: • 新车的成本 • 估计每年行驶的里程 • 估计的汽油价格 • 每加仑英里数的效率 • 5 年后估计的转售价值
计算拥有这辆车五年的总成本。(为简单起见,我们将不考虑融资成本。)从网络上获取新车和二手混合动力车以及可比汽车的实际价格。使用今天的汽油价格和每年 15,000 英里运行您的程序两次。包括伪代码和程序运行与您的分配。
public class car
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Car Model: ");
String carModel = in.nextLine();
System.out.print("Cost of Car: ");
int costOfCar = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("The estimated miles driven per year: ");
int milesDriven = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("The estimated gas price: ");
int gasPrice = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Efficiency in miles per gallon: ");
int milesPerGallon = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Estimated resale value after 5 years: ");
int retailValue = in.nextInt();
double carEfficiency = (double) gasPrice / milesPerGallon;
double milesDrivenCost = (double) milesDriven * carEfficiency * 5; //5 years of driving
double retailValueInFiveYears = retailValue;
double carUseLoss = costOfCar - retailValueInFiveYears;
double totalCost = carUseLoss + milesDrivenCost;
System.out.print(carModel + " will cost you after 5 years: ");
System.out.format(" %,d%n", Math.round(totalCost));