As stated by others, the filename bootstrap-theme.css is very confusing. I would have chosen something like bootstrap-3d.css or bootstrap-fancy.css which would be more descriptive of what it actually does. What the world sees as a "Bootstrap Theme" is a thing you can get from BootSwatch which is a totally different beast.
With that said, the effects are quite nice - gradients and shadows and such. Unfortunately this file will wreak havoc on BootSwatch Themes, so I decided to dig into what it would take to make it play nice with them.
Bootstrap-theme.css is generated from the theme.less file in the Bootstrap source. The affected elements are (as of Bootstrap v3.2.0):
- List items
- Buttons
- Images
- Dropdowns
- Navbars
- Alerts
- Progress bars
- List Groups
- Panels
- Wells
The theme.less file depends on:
@import "variables.less";
@import "mixins.less";
The code uses colors defined in variables.less in several places, for example:
// Give the progress background some depth
.progress {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: darken(@progress-bg, 4%); @end-color: @progress-bg)
This why bootstrap-theme.css totally messes up BootSwatch Themes. The good news is that BootSwatch Themes are also created from variables.less files, so you can simply build a bootstrap-theme.css for your BootSwatch Theme.
Building bootstrap-theme.css
The right way to do it is to update the Theme build process, but here here is the quick and dirty way. Replace the variables.less file in the Bootstrap source with the one from your Bootswatch Theme and build it and voila you have a bootstrap-theme.css file for your Bootswatch Theme.
Building Bootstrap itself
Building Bootstrap may sound daunting, but it is actually very simple:
- Download the Bootstrap source code
- Download and install NodeJS
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the bootstrap source folder. Type "npm install". This will add the "node_modules" folder to the project and download all the Node stuff you need.
- Install grunt globally (the -g option) by typing "npm install -g grunt-cli"
- Rename the "dist" folder to "dist-orig" then rebuild it by typing "grunt dist". Now check that there is a new "dist" folder which contains all you need to use your custom Bootstrap build.
Done. See, that was easy, wasn't it?