我最近将我的 Java 从 1.4 升级到 1.6 版本和 weblogic 8.1 到 weblogic 10.3.6 。我正在尝试使用 Java Webstart 1.6 和 weblogic 10.3.6 env 部署我的 JNLP,但它会加载 Java 控制台窗口并关闭。有人可以解释这里可能是什么原因吗?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jnlp codebase="http://nykpsr0165:18503/EAS/workflow/editor/"> <!-- URL to the site containing the jnlp application. It should match the value used on  export. Href, the name of this file -->
 <!-- changed to test security issue -->

  <!--request all permissions from the application. This does not change-->

  <!-- The name of the main class to execute. This does not change-->
  <application-desc main-class="org.eclipse.core.launcher.WebStartMain">

    <!-- Reference to the startup.jar. This does not change -->
    <jar href="startup.jar"/>

    <!-- Reference to all the plugins and features consituting the application -->
    <!-- Here we are refering to the wrappering feature since it transitively refers to all the other plug-ins  necessary -->  
    <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.gef_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.jface.text_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.ui_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.ui.views_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.core.commands_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.core.expressions_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.draw2d_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.help_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.jface_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.swt_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.text_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.ui_3.1.0.jar"/>
                <jar href="plugins/org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.1.0.jar"/>

    <!-- Information usually specified in the config.ini -->
        value="@user.home/Application Data"/>
        value="@user.home/Application Data"/>

    <!-- The id of the product to run, like found in the overview page of the product editor -->

    <property name="eam.workflow.settings.url" value="http://njwlxfprd110.:12304/EAS/workflow/settings/settings.xml"/>

  <!-- Indicate on a platform basis which JRE to use --> 
  <resources os="Mac">
    <j2se version="1.6" java-vm-args="-XstartOnFirstThread"/>
  <resources os="Windows">
    <j2se version="1.6" initial-heap-size="64m" max-heap-size="256m"/>
  <resources os="Linux">
    <j2se version="1.6" initial-heap-size="64m" max-heap-size="256m"/>


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