
What's a good way using regular expressions to filter curse words from a block of text?

I don't want to replace the "ass" in classic (a clbuttic mistake), so it needs to be able to earch by word boundary.

Additionally, it would need to catch permutations such as l33tpeak, spaces in the word, etc. it doesn't have to be perfect (the system that this is going into will also have message flagging capabilities) but it should get the majority of cursing that people may use.

PG13 Example: If trying to block the word "moist", then it should be able to match "moist" as well as "m01st", "MOIST", "m0ist" and hopefully "m oist".


1 回答 1


根据@Unknwntech 提供的答案,这是一个等效于位于"bad words" filter的封闭线程的 C#:

    public string ReplaceBadWords(string data, string[] badWords, out int badWordCount)
        int count = 0;
        Regex r;
        string op = data;
        foreach (var word in badWords)
            var expword = ExpandBadWordToIncludeIntentionalMisspellings(word);
            r = new Regex(@"(?<Pre>\s+)(?<Word>" + expword + @")(?<Post>\s+|\!\?|\.)");
            var matches = r.Matches(data);
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                string pre = match.Groups["Pre"].Value;
                string post = match.Groups["Post"].Value;
                string output = pre + new string('*', word.Length) + post;
                op = op.Replace(match.Value, output);
        badWordCount = count;
        return op;

    public string ExpandBadWordToIncludeIntentionalMisspellings(string word)
        var chars = word

        var op = "[" + string.Join("][", chars) + "]";

        return op   
            .Replace("[a]", "[a A @]")
            .Replace("[b]", "[b B I3 l3 i3]")
            .Replace("[c]", "(?:[c C \\(]|[k K])")
            .Replace("[d]", "[d D]")
            .Replace("[e]", "[e E 3]")
            .Replace("[f]", "(?:[f F]|[ph pH Ph PH])")
            .Replace("[g]", "[g G 6]")
            .Replace("[h]", "[h H]")
            .Replace("[i]", "[i I l ! 1]")
            .Replace("[j]", "[j J]")
            .Replace("[k]", "(?:[c C \\(]|[k K])")
            .Replace("[l]", "[l L 1 ! i]")
            .Replace("[m]", "[m M]")
            .Replace("[n]", "[n N]")
            .Replace("[o]", "[o O 0]")
            .Replace("[p]", "[p P]")
            .Replace("[q]", "[q Q 9]")
            .Replace("[r]", "[r R]")
            .Replace("[s]", "[s S $ 5]")
            .Replace("[t]", "[t T 7]")
            .Replace("[u]", "[u U v V]")
            .Replace("[v]", "[v V u U]")
            .Replace("[w]", "[w W vv VV]")
            .Replace("[x]", "[x X]")
            .Replace("[y]", "[y Y]")
            .Replace("[z]", "[z Z 2]")


于 2013-08-19T22:20:42.863 回答