I'm trying to run a sequence of disk-based, old-school AVI animations (A then B then C...), back-to-back, with a nice transition in between.

I'm looking for a little guidance admittedly not having done threading work for some time, and certainly never having done anything with NSOperation or GCD.

These animations run at 30fps and are typically less than a minute in duration, along with a CoreImage-assisted transition in between. Timing-wise, things are pretty tight, so multi-threading is needed. Since I'm using an SSD for disk-access, my read rate is (theoretically) at about double my consumption rate, but there's still a good chunk of post-read and pre-display processing to occur that would lag the whole process if singly-threaded -- not to mention it being a really bad idea.

Here's the flow: Firstly, read the starting frame(s) of animation A (possibly using a serial NSOperation queue for these reads). We now have raw data in an NSMutableArray of objects. Then, for each frame that's been read, convert data in the array to CoreImage format (either using a similar but separate serial "rendered" queue, or as a completion handler on each frame read from disk).

(A wrinkle: if the animation isn't in AVI format, I'll be using AVAssetImageGenerator and generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimes to generate rendered results instead).

Continue this process as a producer-like queue through the whole file, throttling back after 2-3 seconds of loaded and converted data. Treat the resulting array of image data as a circular, bounded buffer.

There's a separate consumer queue (a CVDisplaylink vertical-blanking call) that pulls items off the rendered queue. This'll be on the main thread at 60hz. I'll be drawing the rendered image on the off-cycle, and swapping it in on the even cycle, for 30fps throughput.

Once we're satisfied that animation "A" is running smoothly (eg. after 5 seconds), spin up yet another serial queue to begin pairing frames for an upcoming transition... if there are say "n" frames in animation "A", then read frame n-15 (half-second from the end) of A, matching it with the first frame of animation "B", and send those two frames off to CoreImage for transitioning via CIFilter. Continue matching frame n-14 (A) with frame 2 (B), and so on. Obviously, each of these frame reads will require a conversion, and storage in a separate data structure. This'll create a nice upcoming 1/2 second transition.

When it comes time to display the animation transition, sub in these transitioned frames for display, then carry on with displaying the rest of animation B... spin up animation C for transitioning, etc...

Any pointers on where to start?


1 回答 1


您的情况比Apple 文档中概述的情况要复杂一些,但是阅读它会有所帮助(如果您在阅读后仍然说“嗯?”,请阅读这个SO 答案)以了解预期的模式. 简而言之,一般的想法是生产者“驱动”链,操作系统中的 GCD 钩子帮助它确保根据内核中各种事物的状态适当地分派事物。

与您的问题有关的这种方法的问题在于,让生产者端在这里驱动事情并不简单,因为您的消费者是由垂直消隐回调实时驱动的,而不是纯粹由消耗性资源的可用性驱动. 由于工作流程固有的串行性质,这种情况变得更加复杂——例如,即使理论上您可以将帧数据解码为图像的并行化,图像仍然必须串行传递到管道中的下一个阶段,即GCD API 在流式处理的情况下不能很好处理的情况(即,如果您可以一次将所有内容都保存在内存中,这将很容易dispatch_apply,但切入了问题的核心:您需要在准流式处理中发生这种情况语境。)

在尝试考虑如何处理这个问题时,我想出了以下示例,该示例尝试通过使用文本文件来模拟您的情况,其中文件中的每一行都是视频中的“帧”,并且“交叉淡入淡出”这两者通过附加字符串来剪辑。这里有一个完整的、工作的(至少对我来说)版本此代码旨在说明如何仅使用 GCD 原语并使用(主要)生产者驱动的模式,同时仍与CVDisplayLink基于 - 的消费者连接,来构建这样的处理管道。

它不是万无一失的(即,除许多其他事项外,它不能容忍文件中的帧数少于重叠所需的帧数)并且可能完全无法满足您的实时或内存使用边界要求(这对我来说很难复制和测试而不做比我愿意做的更多的工作。:)) 它也没有尝试解决我上面提到的问题,您可能能够并行化需要在下一次之前重新序列化的工作负载管道阶段。(代码也假设为 ARC。)有了所有这些警告,希望这里仍然有一些有趣/相关的想法给你。这是代码:

static void DieOnError(int error);
static NSString* NSStringFromDispatchData(dispatch_data_t data);
static dispatch_data_t FrameDataFromAccumulator(dispatch_data_t* accumulator);
static CVReturn MyDisplayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTimeStamp* now, const CVTimeStamp* outputTime, CVOptionFlags flagsIn, CVOptionFlags* flagsOut, void* displayLinkContext);

static const NSUInteger kFramesToOverlap = 15;

@implementation SOAppDelegate
    // Display link state
    CVDisplayLinkRef mDisplayLink;

    // State for our file reading process -- protected via mFrameReadQueue
    dispatch_queue_t mFrameReadQueue;
    NSUInteger mFileIndex; // keep track of what file we're reading
    dispatch_io_t mReadingChannel; // channel for reading
    dispatch_data_t mFrameReadAccumulator; // keep track of left-over data across read operations

    // State for processing raw frame data delivered by the read process - protected via mFrameDataProcessingQueue
    dispatch_queue_t mFrameDataProcessingQueue;
    NSMutableArray* mFilesForOverlapping;
    NSMutableArray* mFrameArraysForOverlapping;

    // State for blending frames (or passing them through)
    dispatch_queue_t mFrameBlendingQueue;

    // Delivery state
    dispatch_queue_t mFrameDeliveryQueue; // Is suspended/resumed to deliver one frame at a time
    dispatch_queue_t mFrameDeliveryStateQueue; // Protects access to the iVars
    dispatch_data_t mDeliveredFrame; // Data of the frame that has been delivered, but not yet picked up by the CVDisplayLink
    NSInteger mLastFrameDelivered; // Counter of frames delivered
    NSInteger mLastFrameDisplayed; // Counter of frames displayed

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    mFileIndex = 1;
    mLastFrameDelivered = -1;
    mLastFrameDisplayed = -1;

    mFrameReadQueue = dispatch_queue_create("mFrameReadQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
    mFrameDataProcessingQueue = dispatch_queue_create("mFrameDataProcessingQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
    mFrameBlendingQueue = dispatch_queue_create("mFrameBlendingQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
    mFrameDeliveryQueue = dispatch_queue_create("mFrameDeliveryQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
    mFrameDeliveryStateQueue = dispatch_queue_create("mFrameDeliveryStateQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);

    CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(mDisplayLink, &MyDisplayLinkCallback, (__bridge void*)self);

    [self readNextFile];

- (void)dealloc
    if (mDisplayLink)
        if (CVDisplayLinkIsRunning(mDisplayLink))

- (void)readNextFile
    dispatch_async (mFrameReadQueue, ^{
        NSURL* url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"File%lu", mFileIndex++] withExtension: @"txt"];

        if (!url)

        if (mReadingChannel)
            dispatch_io_close(mReadingChannel, DISPATCH_IO_STOP);
            mReadingChannel = nil;

        // We don't care what queue the cleanup handler gets called on, because we know there's only ever one file being read at a time
        mReadingChannel = dispatch_io_create_with_path(DISPATCH_IO_STREAM, [[url path] fileSystemRepresentation], O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK, 0, mFrameReadQueue, ^(int error) {

            mReadingChannel = nil;

            // Start the next file
            [self readNextFile];

        // We don't care what queue the read handlers get called on, because we know they're inherently serial
        dispatch_io_read(mReadingChannel, 0, SIZE_MAX, mFrameReadQueue, ^(bool done, dispatch_data_t data, int error) {

            // Grab frames
            dispatch_data_t localAccumulator = mFrameReadAccumulator ? dispatch_data_create_concat(mFrameReadAccumulator, data) : data;
            dispatch_data_t frameData = nil;
                frameData = FrameDataFromAccumulator(&localAccumulator);
                mFrameReadAccumulator = localAccumulator;
                [self processFrameData: frameData fromFile: url];
            } while (frameData);

            if (done)
                dispatch_io_close(mReadingChannel, DISPATCH_IO_STOP);

- (void)processFrameData: (dispatch_data_t)frameData fromFile: (NSURL*)file
    if (!frameData || !file)

    // We want the data blobs constituting each frame to be processed serially
    dispatch_async(mFrameDataProcessingQueue, ^{
        mFilesForOverlapping = mFilesForOverlapping ?: [NSMutableArray array];
        mFrameArraysForOverlapping = mFrameArraysForOverlapping ?: [NSMutableArray array];

        NSMutableArray* arrayToAddTo = nil;
        if ([file isEqual: mFilesForOverlapping.lastObject])
            arrayToAddTo = mFrameArraysForOverlapping.lastObject;
            arrayToAddTo = [NSMutableArray array];
            [mFilesForOverlapping addObject: file];
            [mFrameArraysForOverlapping addObject: arrayToAddTo];

        [arrayToAddTo addObject: frameData];

        // We've gotten to file two, and we have enough frames to process the overlap
        if (mFrameArraysForOverlapping.count == 2 && [mFrameArraysForOverlapping[1] count] >= kFramesToOverlap)
            NSMutableArray* fileOneFrames = mFrameArraysForOverlapping[0];
            NSMutableArray* fileTwoFrames = mFrameArraysForOverlapping[1];

            for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < kFramesToOverlap; ++i)
                [self blendOneFrame:fileOneFrames[0] withOtherFrame: fileTwoFrames[0]];
                [fileOneFrames removeObjectAtIndex:0];
                [fileTwoFrames removeObjectAtIndex:0];

            [mFilesForOverlapping removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
            [mFrameArraysForOverlapping removeObjectAtIndex: 0];

        // We're pulling in frames from file 1, haven't gotten to file 2 yet, have more than enough to overlap
        while (mFrameArraysForOverlapping.count == 1 && [mFrameArraysForOverlapping[0] count] > kFramesToOverlap)
            NSMutableArray* frameArray = mFrameArraysForOverlapping[0];
            dispatch_data_t first = frameArray[0];
            [mFrameArraysForOverlapping[0] removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
            [self blendOneFrame: first withOtherFrame: nil];

- (void)blendOneFrame: (dispatch_data_t)frameA withOtherFrame: (dispatch_data_t)frameB
    dispatch_async(mFrameBlendingQueue, ^{
        NSString* blendedFrame = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", [NSStringFromDispatchData(frameA) stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"\n" withString:@""], NSStringFromDispatchData(frameB)];
        dispatch_data_t blendedFrameData = dispatch_data_create(blendedFrame.UTF8String, blendedFrame.length, NULL, DISPATCH_DATA_DESTRUCTOR_DEFAULT);
        [self deliverFrameForDisplay: blendedFrameData];

- (void)deliverFrameForDisplay: (dispatch_data_t)frame
    // By suspending the queue from within the block, and by virtue of this being a serial queue, we guarantee that
    // only one task will get called for each call to dispatch_resume on the queue...

    dispatch_async(mFrameDeliveryQueue, ^{
        dispatch_sync(mFrameDeliveryStateQueue, ^{
            mDeliveredFrame = frame;

        if (!CVDisplayLinkIsRunning(mDisplayLink))

- (dispatch_data_t)getFrameForDisplay
    __block dispatch_data_t frameData = nil;
    dispatch_sync(mFrameDeliveryStateQueue, ^{
        if (mLastFrameDelivered > mLastFrameDisplayed)
            frameData = mDeliveredFrame;
            mDeliveredFrame = nil;
            mLastFrameDisplayed = mLastFrameDelivered;

    // At this point, I've either got the next frame or I dont...
    // resume the delivery queue so it will deliver the next frame
    if (frameData)

    return frameData;


static void DieOnError(int error)
    if (error)
        NSLog(@"Error in %s: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, strerror(error));

static NSString* NSStringFromDispatchData(dispatch_data_t data)
    if (!data || !dispatch_data_get_size(data))
        return @"";

    const char* buf = NULL;
    size_t size = 0;
    dispatch_data_t notUsed = dispatch_data_create_map(data, (const void**)&buf, &size);
#pragma unused(notUsed)
    NSString* str = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: buf length: size encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    return str;

// Peel off a frame if there is one, and put the left-overs back.
static dispatch_data_t FrameDataFromAccumulator(dispatch_data_t* accumulator)
    __block dispatch_data_t frameData = dispatch_data_create(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); // empty
    __block dispatch_data_t leftOver = dispatch_data_create(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); // empty

    __block BOOL didFindFrame = NO;
    dispatch_data_apply(*accumulator, ^bool(dispatch_data_t region, size_t offset, const void *buffer, size_t size) {
        ssize_t newline = -1;
        for (size_t i = 0; !didFindFrame && i < size; ++i)
            if (((const char *)buffer)[i] == '\n')
                newline = i;

        if (newline == -1)
            if (!didFindFrame)
                frameData = dispatch_data_create_concat(frameData, region);
                leftOver = dispatch_data_create_concat(leftOver, region);
        else if (newline >= 0)
            didFindFrame = YES;
            frameData = dispatch_data_create_concat(frameData, dispatch_data_create_subrange(region, 0, newline + 1));
            leftOver = dispatch_data_create_concat(leftOver, dispatch_data_create_subrange(region, newline + 1, size - newline - 1));

        return true;

    *accumulator = leftOver;

    return didFindFrame ? frameData : nil;

static CVReturn MyDisplayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTimeStamp* now, const CVTimeStamp* outputTime, CVOptionFlags flagsIn, CVOptionFlags* flagsOut, void* displayLinkContext)
    SOAppDelegate* self = (__bridge SOAppDelegate*)displayLinkContext;

    dispatch_data_t frameData = [self getFrameForDisplay];

    NSString* dataAsString = NSStringFromDispatchData(frameData);

    if (dataAsString.length == 0)
        NSLog(@"Dropped frame...");
        NSLog(@"Drawing frame in CVDisplayLink. Contents: %@", dataAsString);

    return kCVReturnSuccess;

理论上,GCD 应该为你平衡这些队列。例如,如果允许“生产者”队列继续进行导致内存使用量上升,GCD 将(理论上)开始让其他队列离开,并阻止生产者队列。在实践中,这种机制对我们来说是不透明的,所以谁知道它在现实环境下对你的效果如何,尤其是在你的实时限制面前。


于 2013-08-21T01:49:41.647 回答