I have two tables that are joined by a link table and exposed through OData / Entity Framework:
Using ~/api/Users, the following [USER]
API controller action returns results:
public IEnumerable<USER> Get(ODataQueryOptions<USER> options)
var unitOfWork = new ATMS.Repository.UnitOfWork(_dbContext);
var users = options.ApplyTo(unitOfWork.Repository<USER>().Queryable
.Include(u => u.USERGROUPS)
.OrderBy(order => order.USERNAME))
unitOfWork.Save(); // includes Dispose()
return users;
I am, however, unable to apply the ODataQueryOptions to the following [USERGROUP]
API controller action:
public IEnumerable<USERGROUP> Get(ODataQueryOptions<USER> options)
var unitOfWork = new ATMS.Repository.UnitOfWork(_dbContext);
var userGroups = options.ApplyTo(unitOfWork.Repository<USERGROUP>().Queryable
.Include(u => u.USERS)
.OrderBy(order => order.GROUPNAME))
unitOfWork.Save(); // includes Dispose()
return userGroups.AsQueryable();
When I do, I get the following error:
Cannot apply ODataQueryOptions of 'DAL.USER' to IQueryable of 'DAL.USERGROUP'.
Instead, I have to omit the options.ApplyTo(...)
var userGroups = unitOfWork.Repository<USERGROUP>()
.Include(u => u.USERS)
.OrderBy(order => order.GROUPNAME);
Can someone please explain to me why this is?