我已经从 word 模板创建了一个 docx 文件,现在我正在访问复制的 docx 文件并想用一些其他数据替换某些文本。




private void CreateSampleWordDocument()
        //string sourceFile = Path.Combine("D:\\GeneralLetter.dot");
        //string destinationFile = Path.Combine("D:\\New.doc");
        string sourceFile = Path.Combine("D:\\GeneralWelcomeLetter.docx");
        string destinationFile = Path.Combine("D:\\New.docx");
            // Create a copy of the template file and open the copy
            File.Copy(sourceFile, destinationFile, true);
            using (WordprocessingDocument document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(destinationFile, true))
                // Change the document type to Document
                //Get the Main Part of the document
                MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.MainDocumentPart;



11 回答 11



  using ( WordprocessingDocument doc =
                    WordprocessingDocument.Open(@"yourpath\testdocument.docx", true))
                var body = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body;
                var paras = body.Elements<Paragraph>();

                foreach (var para in paras)
                    foreach (var run in para.Elements<Run>())
                        foreach (var text in run.Elements<Text>())
                            if (text.Text.Contains("text-to-replace"))
                                text.Text = text.Text.Replace("text-to-replace", "replaced-text");


于 2013-08-20T15:44:20.167 回答

In addition to Flowerking's answer:

When your Word file has textboxes in it, his solution would not work. Because textbox has TextBoxContent element so it will not appear at foreach loop of Runs.

But when writing

using ( WordprocessingDocument doc =
                    WordprocessingDocument.Open(@"yourpath\testdocument.docx", true))
    var document = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document

    foreach (var text in document.Descendants<Text>()) // <<< Here
        if (text.Text.Contains("text-to-replace"))
            text.Text = text.Text.Replace("text-to-replace", "replaced-text");

it will loop all the texts in document(whether it is in textbox or not) so it will replace the texts.

Note that if the text is split between Runs or Textboxes, this also won't work. You need a better solution for those cases. One solution to split texts could be fixing the "template", sometimes, simply deleting the placeholder and re-creating it works wonders.

于 2015-07-26T23:50:49.320 回答

1. aStreamReader读取所有文本,
2. 使用 aRegex不区分大小写替换新文本而不是旧 tex
3. aStreamWriter再次将修改后的文本写入文档。

 using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(document, true))
    string docText = null;
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetStream()))
        docText = sr.ReadToEnd();

    foreach (var t in findesReplaces)
        docText = new Regex(findText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace(docText, replaceText);

    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create)))
于 2014-06-17T08:29:02.747 回答

这是一个解决方案,可以跨文本运行(包括文本框)在打开的 xml(word)文档中查找和替换标签

namespace Demo
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;

    public class WordDocumentHelper
        class DocumentTag
            public DocumentTag()
                ReplacementText = "";

            public string Tag { get; set; }
            public string Table { get; set; }
            public string Column { get; set; }
            public string ReplacementText { get; set; }

            public override string ToString()
                return ReplacementText ?? (Tag ?? "");

        private const string TAG_PATTERN = @"\[(.*?)[\.|\:](.*?)\]";
        private const string TAG_START = @"[";
        private const string TAG_END = @"]";

        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a document template into the temp folder and returns the newly created clone temp filename and path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templatePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string CloneTemplateForEditing(string templatePath)
            var tempFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()) + Path.GetExtension(templatePath);
            File.Copy(templatePath, tempFile);
            return tempFile;

        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a given filename, replaces tags, and saves. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns>Number of tags found</returns>
        public int FindAndReplaceTags(string filename)
            var allTags = new List<DocumentTag>();

            using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(path: filename, isEditable: true))
                var document = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document;

                // text may be split across multiple text runs so keep a collection of text objects
                List<Text> tagParts = new List<Text>();

                foreach (var text in document.Descendants<Text>())
                    // search for any fully formed tags in this text run
                    var fullTags = GetTags(text.Text);

                    // replace values for fully formed tags
                    fullTags.ForEach(t => {
                        t = GetTagReplacementValue(t);
                        text.Text = text.Text.Replace(t.Tag, t.ReplacementText);

                    // continue working on current partial tag
                    if (tagParts.Count > 0)
                        // working on a tag
                        var joinText = string.Join("", tagParts.Select(x => x.Text)) + text.Text;

                        // see if tag ends with this block
                        if (joinText.Contains(TAG_END))
                            var joinTag = GetTags(joinText).FirstOrDefault(); // should be just one tag (or none)
                            if (joinTag == null)
                                throw new Exception($"Misformed document tag in block '{string.Join("", tagParts.Select(x => x.Text)) + text.Text}' ");

                            joinTag = GetTagReplacementValue(joinTag);

                            // replace first text run in the tagParts set with the replacement value. 
                            // (This means the formatting used on the first character of the tag will be used)
                            var firstRun = tagParts.First();
                            firstRun.Text = firstRun.Text.Substring(0, firstRun.Text.LastIndexOf(TAG_START));
                            firstRun.Text += joinTag.ReplacementText;

                            // replace trailing text runs with empty strings
                            tagParts.Skip(1).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Text = "");

                            // replace all text up to and including the first index of TAG_END
                            text.Text = text.Text.Substring(text.Text.IndexOf(TAG_END) + 1);

                            // empty the tagParts list so we can start on a new tag
                            // no tag end so keep getting text runs

                    // search for new partial tags
                    if (text.Text.Contains("["))
                        if (tagParts.Any())
                            throw new Exception($"Misformed document tag in block '{string.Join("", tagParts.Select(x => x.Text)) + text.Text}' ");


                // save the temp doc before closing

            return allTags.Count;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a unique set of document tags found in the passed fileText using Regex
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileText"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<DocumentTag> GetTags(string fileText)
            List<DocumentTag> tags = new List<DocumentTag>();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileText))
                return tags;

            // TODO: custom regex for tag matching 
            // this example looks for tags in the formation "[table.column]" or "[table:column]" and captures the full tag, "table", and "column" into match Groups
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(fileText, TAG_PATTERN);
            foreach (Match match in matches)

                    if (match.Groups.Count < 3
                        || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Groups[0].Value)
                        || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Groups[1].Value)
                        || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Groups[2].Value))

                    tags.Add(new DocumentTag
                        Tag = match.Groups[0].Value,
                        Table = match.Groups[1].Value,
                        Column = match.Groups[2].Value


            return tags;

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the Tag replacement value of the pasted tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DocumentTag GetTagReplacementValue(DocumentTag tag)
            // TODO: custom routine to update tag Replacement Value

            tag.ReplacementText = "foobar";

            return tag;
于 2019-07-09T21:19:31.227 回答

到目前为止,我发现的最简单、最准确的方法是使用Open-Xml-PowerTools。就个人而言,我使用 dotnet core,所以我使用这个 nuget 包

using OpenXmlPowerTools;
// ...

protected byte[] SearchAndReplace(byte[] file, IDictionary<string, string> translations)
    WmlDocument doc = new WmlDocument(file.Length.ToString(), file);

    foreach (var translation in translations)
        doc = doc.SearchAndReplace(translation.Key, translation.Value, true);

    return doc.DocumentByteArray;


var templateDoc = File.ReadAllBytes("templateDoc.docx");
var generatedDoc = SearchAndReplace(templateDoc, new Dictionary<string, string>(){
    {"text-to-replace-1", "replaced-text-1"},
    {"text-to-replace-2", "replaced-text-2"},
File.WriteAllBytes("generatedDoc.docx", generatedDoc);

有关详细信息,请参阅在 Open XML WordprocessingML 文档中搜索和替换文本

于 2020-08-14T21:05:10.283 回答

我正在测试这个以生成文档,但我的占位符被拆分为运行和文本节点。我不想将整个文档加载为单个字符串以进行正则表达式查找/替换,因此我使用了 OpenXml api。我的想法是:

  1. 清理占位符节点作为对文档的一次性操作
  2. 每次生成时按节点值查找/替换,现在源是干净的。



    var nodes = paragraph.Descendants<Text>();





foreach (var placeholder in GroupPlaceholders(paragraph.Descendants<Text>()))
    var firstTextNode = placeholder.TextNodes[0];
    if (placeholder.PrecedingText != null)
        firstTextNode.Parent.InsertBefore(new Text(placeholder.PrecedingText), firstTextNode);
    firstTextNode.Parent.InsertBefore(placeholder.PlaceholderText, firstTextNode);
    if (placeholder.SubsequentText != null)
        firstTextNode.Parent.InsertBefore(new Text(placeholder.SubsequentText), firstTextNode);
    foreach (var textNode in placeholder.TextNodes) {
于 2021-05-05T19:54:45.037 回答

我的类用于替换 word 文档中的长短语,该词拆分为不同的文本块:


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;

namespace WebBackLibrary.Service
    public class WordDocumentService
        private class WordMatchedPhrase
            public int charStartInFirstPar { get; set; }
            public int charEndInLastPar { get; set; }

            public int firstCharParOccurance { get; set; }
            public int lastCharParOccurance { get; set; }

        public WordprocessingDocument ReplaceStringInWordDocumennt(WordprocessingDocument wordprocessingDocument, string replaceWhat, string replaceFor)
            List<WordMatchedPhrase> matchedPhrases = FindWordMatchedPhrases(wordprocessingDocument, replaceWhat);

            Document document = wordprocessingDocument.MainDocumentPart.Document;
            int i = 0;
            bool isInPhrase = false;
            bool isInEndOfPhrase = false;
            foreach (Text text in document.Descendants<Text>()) // <<< Here
                char[] textChars = text.Text.ToCharArray();
                List<WordMatchedPhrase> curParPhrases = matchedPhrases.FindAll(a => (a.firstCharParOccurance.Equals(i) || a.lastCharParOccurance.Equals(i)));
                StringBuilder outStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                for (int c = 0; c < textChars.Length; c++)
                    if (isInEndOfPhrase)
                        isInPhrase = false;
                        isInEndOfPhrase = false;

                    foreach (var parPhrase in curParPhrases)
                        if (c == parPhrase.charStartInFirstPar && i == parPhrase.firstCharParOccurance)
                            isInPhrase = true;
                        if (c == parPhrase.charEndInLastPar && i == parPhrase.lastCharParOccurance)
                            isInEndOfPhrase = true;

                    if (isInPhrase == false && isInEndOfPhrase == false)
                text.Text = outStringBuilder.ToString();
                i = i + 1;

            return wordprocessingDocument;

        private List<WordMatchedPhrase> FindWordMatchedPhrases(WordprocessingDocument wordprocessingDocument, string replaceWhat)
            char[] replaceWhatChars = replaceWhat.ToCharArray();
            int overlapsRequired = replaceWhatChars.Length;
            int overlapsFound = 0;
            int currentChar = 0;
            int firstCharParOccurance = 0;
            int lastCharParOccurance = 0;
            int startChar = 0;
            int endChar = 0;
            List<WordMatchedPhrase> wordMatchedPhrases = new List<WordMatchedPhrase>();
            Document document = wordprocessingDocument.MainDocumentPart.Document;
            int i = 0;
            foreach (Text text in document.Descendants<Text>()) // <<< Here
                char[] textChars = text.Text.ToCharArray();
                for (int c = 0; c < textChars.Length; c++)
                    char compareToChar = replaceWhatChars[currentChar];
                    if (textChars[c] == compareToChar)
                        currentChar = currentChar + 1;
                        if (currentChar == 1)
                            startChar = c;
                            firstCharParOccurance = i;
                        if (currentChar == overlapsRequired)
                            endChar = c;
                            lastCharParOccurance = i;
                            WordMatchedPhrase matchedPhrase = new WordMatchedPhrase
                                firstCharParOccurance = firstCharParOccurance,
                                lastCharParOccurance = lastCharParOccurance,
                                charEndInLastPar = endChar,
                                charStartInFirstPar = startChar
                            currentChar = 0;
                        currentChar = 0;

                i = i + 1;

            return wordMatchedPhrases;




public void EditWordDocument(UserContents userContents)
            string filePath = Path.Combine(userContents.PathOnDisk, userContents.FileName);
            WordDocumentService wordDocumentService = new WordDocumentService();
            if (userContents.ContentType.Contains("word") && File.Exists(filePath))
                string saveAs = "modifiedTechWord.docx";
                using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filePath, true)) //open source word file
                    Document document = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document;
                    OpenXmlPackage res = doc.SaveAs(Path.Combine(userContents.PathOnDisk, saveAs)); // copy it
                using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(Path.Combine(userContents.PathOnDisk, saveAs), true)) // open copy
                    string replaceWhat = "{transform:CandidateFio}";
                    string replaceFor = "ReplaceToFio";
                    var result = wordDocumentService.ReplaceStringInWordDocumennt(doc, replaceWhat, replaceFor); //replace words in copy
于 2020-07-14T17:19:14.660 回答





于 2021-12-13T22:37:53.280 回答
Dim doc As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open("Chemin", True, New OpenSettings With {.AutoSave = True})

Dim d As Document = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document

Dim txt As Text = d.Descendants(Of Text).Where(Function(t) t.Text = "txtNom").FirstOrDefault

If txt IsNot Nothing Then
 txt.Text = txt.Text.Replace("txtNom", "YASSINE OULARBI")
End If

于 2019-10-15T08:56:56.027 回答

如果您要查找的文本位于方括号之间,并且 Word 会在多次运行中拆分您的文本...;

搜索文本 (ienumerable(of text))

for (int i = 0; i <= SearchIn.Count - 1; i++) {

    if (!(i + 2 > SearchIn.Count - 1)) {
        Text TXT = SearchIn(i);
        Text TXT1 = SearchIn(i + 1);
        Text TXT2 = SearchIn(i + 2);

        if (Strings.Trim(TXT.Text) == "[" & Strings.Trim(TXT2.Text) == "]") {
            TXT1.Text = TXT.Text + TXT1.Text + TXT2.Text;

            TXT.Text = "";
            TXT2.Text = "";
于 2017-09-15T11:52:32.627 回答

是来自 msdn 的解决方案。


public static void SearchAndReplace(string document)
    using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(document, true))
        string docText = null;
        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetStream()))
            docText = sr.ReadToEnd();

        Regex regexText = new Regex("Hello world!");
        docText = regexText.Replace(docText, "Hi Everyone!");

        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create)))
于 2015-12-26T19:44:50.053 回答