我一直在研究一个简单的 dll 库,它是可访问的,以便其他软件可以使用我们的库(来自任何托管或非托管语言)。
创建一个可访问 com 的 dll 非常简单:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MyNamespace
//This interface defines purely the events. DotNetEventSender should implement this interface with the ComSourceInterfaces() attribute
//to become an Event Source.
[ComVisible(true), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)]
public interface COMEventsInterface
// we don't have any events, but if needed, include them here
public interface ICOM
int Sum(int[] intsToSum)
//Identifies this interfaces that are exposed as COM event sources for the attributed class.
//Tells the compiler not to generate an interface automatically and that we are implementing our own interface (IDotNetEventSender)
public class COM : ICOM
// Methods
public int Sum(int[] intsToSum)
int sum = 0;
foreach ( int i in intsToSum )
sum += i;
return sum;
在调试模式下,现在将通过 Project>Properties>Build>Register for com interop 将此项目标记为注册 com-interop。
在大多数情况下,这很有效。但不知何故,在某些机器(全美国)上,这是行不通的。com 类已注册,但我经常收到错误:HRESULT 0x80131534,实际上已经在此处描述了 SO:通过经典 ASP 实例化 .NET/COM 互操作类时出错
编辑:我的真实班级的构造函数做了一件事:(我添加了try catch,因为我发现这是构造函数中的错误......)
// Constructor
public COM()
// register itself with the application
MyApplication.COMObject = this;
catch(Exception ex)
它只是将自己注册到一个静态类的属性 COMObject:
private static COM _comObject;
public static COM COMObject
return _comObject;
_comObject = value;
虽然,COM 类实际上并不需要注册自己,但如果我想触发事件,我已经这样做了以备将来使用