I am trying to show a graph by making use of nvd plugin. It is showing proper data but though I am sending integer data, it showing float data in x axis with 2 decimal places and when I mouse over then it is showing float with one decimal place. My code is like:

nv.addGraph(function() {
   var chart = nv.models.discreteBarChart()
       .x(function(d) { return d.label })
       .y(function(d) { return d.value })

   d3.select('#chart svg')


   return chart;

 function exampleData() {
  return  [ 
       key: "Cumulative Return",
       values: [
           "label" : "CDS / Options" ,
           "value" : 29
         } , 
           "label" : "Cash" , 
           "value" : 0
         } , 
           "label" : "Corporate Bonds" , 
           "value" : 32
         } , 
           "label" : "Equity" , 
           "value" : 196
         } , 
           "label" : "Index Futures" ,
           "value" : 0
         } , 
           "label" : "Options" , 
           "value" : 98
         } , 
           "label" : "Preferred" , 
           "value" : 13
         } , 
           "label" : "Not Available" , 
           "value" : 5

How to solve this issue? Thanks in advance.


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