I have a problem similar to Getting data from multiple tables into single row while concatenating some values but i am not able to understand it and i am a newbie is sql queries. I have few tables and i have to join them and get some concatenated data in a row. Description is as followings:

Table 1 - tasks(id,title,user_id)
id     title          user_id     tree_id
--     -----          -------     -------
1      test task         1          20

Table 2 - task_follower(id,user_id,task_id)
id     user_id   task_id
--     -------   -------
1        1          1

Table 3 - account_user(id,name,email)
id      name    email
--      ----    -----
1       rakesh  kumar3180@gmail.com

Table 2 - category(id,category)
id     category
--     ------- 
1        Project1

Table 2 - task_category(id,user_id,task_id)
id     task_id   category_id
--     -------   -------
1        1          1

And the query i run is:

    SELECT a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(b.name SEPARATOR ',') AS member_names, GROUP_CONCAT(b.email SEPARATOR ',') AS member_emails, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT d.category) SEPARATOR ',') AS categories FROM tasks AS a INNER JOIN task_followers AS c ON a.id = c.task_id INNER JOIN account_user AS b ON c.user_id = b.id INNER JOIN task_category AS i ON a.id = i.task_id INNER JOIN category AS d ON i.category_id = d.id WHERE a.id = 1 AND a.user_id = 1 AND GROUP BY a.id

As the result of this query i get:

id    title       user_id   tree_id     member_names    member_emails
---   -----       -------   -------     -------------   -------------
1     test task      1        20        rakesh,rakesh   kumar3180@gmail.com,kumar3180@gmail.com

I am not able to understand why name and email is duplicated? Please help me to solve this problem and also if you could explain me where i went wrong conceptually?

I noticed that When the number of category associated with the task is more than one then this problem occurs. Please have a look at http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/b96eb/1 I have created an example there to demonstrate my problem.


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于 2013-08-19T13:37:29.490 回答