我有我想比较的 2 个配置文件的数据。


$hare_points = 10000;
$hare_ppd = 700;

$tortoise_points = 16000;
$tortoise_ppd = 550;



2 回答 2


It's a simple set of equations to solve.

hare_total = hare_points + hare_ppd * days
tortoise_total = tortoise_points + tortoise_ppd * days

You're trying to find out the day the points are the same, so:

hare_total = tortoise_total
hare_points + hare_ppd * days = tortoise_points + tortoise_ppd * days
hare_points - tortoise_points = (tortoise_ppd - hare_ppd) * days

So there's your answer:

$days = ($hare_points - $tortoise_points) / ($tortoise_ppd - $hare_ppd)

Just plug that into your function and round up / down to an integer depending on how you want to interpret the answer.

于 2013-08-19T13:36:36.903 回答

假设 ppd 是每天的积分:

$hare_points = 10000;
$hare_ppd = 700;

$tortoise_points = 16000;
$tortoise_ppd = 550;

$hare_diff = $tortoise_points - $hare_points;
$hare_ppd_diff = abs($tortoise_ppd - $hare_ppd);
$days = $hare_diff/$hare_ppd_diff;
echo $days; // 40

/* Test:
 * 40 * 700 = 28000; hare
 * 40 * 550 = 22000; tortoise
 * hare_p = 28000 + 10000 = 38 000
 * toit_p = 22000 + 16000 = 38 000
 * So the math is right. On 40th day, they are equal
于 2013-08-19T13:40:23.080 回答