为什么浮点数更适合精度?不能用非常大的整数来表示 float 给出的精度并且在所有机器上都具有确定性吗?例如,以浮点数移动 0.48124 米的对象可以改为以 int 或 long 移动 48124 微米的对象来表示。


5 回答 5


Floating-point is preferred over integers for some calculations because:

  • When you multiply in a fixed-point format, the product has a new scale, so it must be adjusted or the code must be written to account for the changed scale. For example, if you adopt a format scaled by 100, so that .3 is represented with 30 and .4 is represented with 40, then multiplying 30 by 40 produces 1200, but correct answer at the same scale should be 12 (representing .12). Division needs similar adjustment.
  • When the integer format overflows, many machines and programming languages do not have good support for getting the most significant portion of the result. Floating-point automatically produces the most significant portion of the result and rounds the discarded bits.
  • Integer arithmetic usually truncates fractions, but floating-point rounds them (unless requested otherwise).
  • Some calculations involve a large range of numbers, including both numbers that are very large and very small. A fixed-point format has a small range, but a floating-point format has a large range. You could manually track the scale with a fixed-point format, but then you are merely implementing your own floating-point using integers.
  • Many machines and/or programming languages ignore integer overflow, but floating-point can handle these gracefully and/or provide notifications when they occur.
  • Floating-point arithmetic is well defined and generally well implemented; bugs in it have been reduced (sometimes by painful experience). Building new do-it-yourself arithmetic is prone to bugs.
  • For some functions, it is difficult to predict the scale of the result in advance, so it is awkward to use a fixed-point format. For example, consider sine. Whenever the input is near a multiple of π, sine is near zero. Because π is irrational (and transcendental), the pattern of which integers or fixed-point numbers are near multiples of π is very irregular. Some fixed-point numbers are not near multiples of π, and their sines are around .1, .5, .9, et cetera. Some fixed-point numbers are very near multiples of π, and their sines are close to zero. A few are very close to multiples of π, and their sines are tiny. Because of this, there is no fixed-point format of reasonable precision that can always return the result of sine without either underflowing or overflowing.

You asking about floating-point versus long. A 64-bit integer might have advantages over a 32-bit floating-point format in some situations, but often the proper comparison is for comparable sizes, such as 32-bit integer to 32-bit floating-point and 64-bit integer to 64-bit floating-point. In these cases, the question is whether the benefits of a dynamic scale outweigh the loss of a few bits of precision.

于 2013-08-19T13:35:54.857 回答

它将是 481.24 毫米,这是问题出现的一部分。使用整数(或长整数),您很可能会遇到某种舍入的情况。也许你的程序会保证你关心的最小单位是毫米,但它仍然会导致写单位的标准有点难看。不难计算出 100000 毫米 == 100 米,但它并不像 100.000 那样立即显而易见,而且在您可能主要处理米或公里但仍需要精度的应用程序中,这要多得多比 3463.823 读起来更烦人。

此外,在很多情况下,您确实关心超出不方便的小尺寸,虽然使用浮点数可以修剪显示的位数,但数据仍然存在,所以 3.141592653(等等,直到浮动点精度是)修剪到 3.14 米比 3141592653 纳米更容易处理

于 2013-08-19T13:29:43.940 回答


x1 - x2 == (x1 - displacement) - (x2 - displacement)



0.0002 - 0.0001 != (0.0002 - 1000000) - (0.0002 - 1000000) // this example in single precision


于 2013-08-22T23:47:27.800 回答


IEEE 浮点努力使浮点在所有机器上都具有确定性。

整数可以是 1 或 2 的补码和各种宽度,因此对于某些计算来说不是确定性的。所以整数数学本身就很麻烦。

是的,大整数可以并且已经按照 OP 的建议使用。但正如@Eric Postpischil 指出的那样,FP 的好处很多。大整数用于特定情况,包括密码学。


于 2013-08-20T23:32:33.970 回答


于 2013-08-22T21:17:06.920 回答