我正在尝试编写一个带有按钮的主菜单。我有一个名为 MenuAchievementsButton 的类,在它的构造函数中,它从文档类向下传递舞台宽度和舞台高度。当我追踪它时,它是正确的宽度/高度。
我试图让按钮的高度成为舞台高度/100。我尝试过这样做。高度 = 舞台高度/100,但是每当我这样做时,即使我进入,它也会给我想要的结果的 4 倍在像 5 这样的数字中并在 Photoshop 中测量 px。
此外,当我尝试移动对象时,存在类似的问题:当我希望它向右和向下移动 20 像素时,结果却是向左和向下移动 80 像素。
package menus {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class MenuAchievementsButton extends MovieClip {
private var _stageWidth, _stageHeight:int;
public function MenuAchievementsButton(stageWidth:int, stageHeight:int) {
_stageWidth = stageWidth;
_stageHeight = stageHeight;
alpha = 1;
trace(_stageWidth, _stageHeight);
private function rescaleMe():void {
var oldWidth = this.width;
var oldHeight = this.height;
this.height = _stageHeight/100;
this.width = (this.height * oldWidth) / oldHeight;
private function repositionMe():void {
this.x = 20;
this.y = 20;
trace("Stage height is: ",_stageHeight,"Stage height divided by 100 is: ", _stageHeight/100, "And the object's height, which should be stageheight / 100 is:", this.height);
//Gives Stage height is: 800 Stage height divided by 100 is: 8 And the object's height, which should be stageheight / 100 is: 8
//Actually, though, it's 36px!