So, I am new to Ember.js (and web dev in General), I wanted to use Ember.js in my Rails app for some dynamic front-end that will persist data to the back-end (if i described correctly !).

I've been looking for examples on how to use Ember.js in a Rails app, All the resources i've found so far, are only describing how to "Add ember.js", just like adding the gem "ember-rails" etc..


this example showes exactly how to build a model, view, controller, with ember.js, and use it in Rails app! this is what i need to get started !

Any help or advice is highly appreciated !

What i really need is, an example that uses Ember.js Side by side with Rails, just like the link i gave.


2 回答 2


emberWatch.com很好地列出了有关 ember 的所有资源和教程,还可以查看ember-rails gem以轻松地将 ember 集成到您的 Rails 项目中

于 2013-08-19T09:29:57.557 回答

他的问题的答案应该是ember.js用作前端框架并Ruby on rails用于服务器端。使用 API 应用程序Ruby on Rails,然后ember.js用作您的前端框架。

于 2018-06-19T08:42:25.297 回答