
word = ["General William Shelton, said the system",
        "which will provide more precise positional data",
        "and that newer technology will provide more",
        "Commander of the Air Force Space Command",
        "objects and would become the most accurate metadata"]

matched_word = ["will", "and", "in", "the", "a", "A"]


print word[0]
for item in matched_word:
        print item,":",word[0].count(item)

print word[1]
for item in matched_word:
        print item,":",word[1].count(item)

print word[2]
for item in matched_word:
        print item,":",word[2].count(item)

print word[3]
for item in matched_word:
        print item,":",word[3].count(item)



General William Shelton, said the system  
will : 0  
and : 0  
in : 0 
the :1 
a : 3  
A : 0  
which will provide more precise positional data 
will : !
and : 0  
in : 0  
the : 0  
a : 3  
A : 0



3 回答 3



for w in word:
    print w
    for item in matched_word:
        print item, ":" ,w.count(item)
于 2013-08-19T08:19:24.230 回答


import itertools
for w, item in itertools.product(word, matched_word):
    print item, ":", w.count(item)


如果您需要新讨论的print w. 在这种情况下,这种解决方案是不合适的。

于 2013-08-19T08:24:28.453 回答


counts = [(w, i, w.count(i)) for w in word for i in matched_word]


[('General William Shelton, said the system', 'will', 0),
('General William Shelton, said the system', 'and', 0),
('General William Shelton, said the system', 'in', 0),
('General William Shelton, said the system', 'the', 1),
('General William Shelton, said the system', 'a', 3),
('General William Shelton, said the system', 'A', 0),
('which will provide more precise positional data', 'will', 1),
('which will provide more precise positional data', 'and', 0),
('which will provide more precise positional data', 'in', 0),
('which will provide more precise positional data', 'the', 0),
('which will provide more precise positional data', 'a', 3),
('which will provide more precise positional data', 'A', 0),
('and that newer technology will provide more', 'will', 1),
('and that newer technology will provide more', 'and', 1),
('and that newer technology will provide more', 'in', 0),
('and that newer technology will provide more', 'the', 0),
('and that newer technology will provide more', 'a', 2),
('and that newer technology will provide more', 'A', 0),
('Commander of the Air Force Space Command', 'will', 0),
('Commander of the Air Force Space Command', 'and', 2),
('Commander of the Air Force Space Command', 'in', 0),
('Commander of the Air Force Space Command', 'the', 1),
('Commander of the Air Force Space Command', 'a', 3),
('Commander of the Air Force Space Command', 'A', 1),
('objects and would become the most accurate metadata', 'will', 0),
('objects and would become the most accurate metadata', 'and', 1),
('objects and would become the most accurate metadata', 'in', 0),
('objects and would become the most accurate metadata', 'the', 1),
('objects and would become the most accurate metadata', 'a', 6),
('objects and would become the most accurate metadata', 'A', 0)]


groupped = groupby(counts, lambda i: i[0])


for category, items in groupped:
    print category, '\n', "\n".join([":".join(map(str, j[1:])) for j in list(items)])
于 2013-08-19T09:19:02.110 回答