
表格1 -mdl_question_attempts

id      questionid               rightanswer                responsesummary

1       1                        A                          A

2       1                        A                          B

3       1                        A                          A

4       1                        A                          B

5       2                        A                          A

6       1                        A                          A

7       2                        D                          E

8       2                        D                          D

9       2                        D                          E

10      3                        F                          F

11      3                        F                          G

表 2 -mdl_question_attempt_steps

id         questionattemptid                            userid

5          1                                            1

6          2                                            1

7          3                                            2

8          4                                            1

9          5                                            2

10         6                                            1

11         7                                            1

12         8                                            1

13         9                                            1

14         10                                           1

15         11                                           1

表 1 - mdl_question_attempts,主键 -id字段与

表2- mdl_question_attempt_steps、外键-questionattemptid

表 1 是关于用户对某些问题的回答。

rightanswer- 是特定问题的正确答案,responsesummary是用户针对该问题给出的答案。“questionid”代表问题编号。有时同一用户多次尝试一个问题,每次尝试的答案如表 1 所示。

对于每个问题,“userid”或用户可以从表 2 中找到

Eg: 1st row in table1 done by userid =1

所以我的问题是我想根据学习者两次回答问题的次数来找出学习者(一个用户,例如:userid = 1)两次错误回答同一个问题的百分比或比率?

表 1 中高亮显示的是 userid=1 的相关数据

用户 1 回答了问题 1 – 4 次,错误 2 次

用户 1 回答了问题 2 – 3 次,错误 2 次

问题 3 回答了 2 次,只答错了 1 次。所以我想要同样的问题两次错误。所以

不考虑问题 3

questionid       wrong count

1                    2/4

2                    2/3




=错误计数的总和除以平均值或为 2 次(仅回答 2 个问题)如果回答了 3 个问题,则总和应除以 3。


            function quiztwicewrong()


            $con=mysqli_connect("localhost:3306","root","", "moodle");

            // Check connection

            if (mysqli_connect_errno())


                            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();


            //quiz twice wrong

查询 1

            $resultq = mysqli_query ($con,"SELECT  mdl_question_attempts.rightanswer as rightanswer,count(mdl_question_attempts.questionid) as questionid1 FROM mdl_question_attempts,mdl_question_attempt_steps WHERE  mdl_question_attempt_steps.questionattemptid=mdl_question_attempts.id and mdl_question_attempt_steps.userid='1'  and mdl_question_attempts.rightanswer<>mdl_question_attempts.responsesummary GROUP BY mdl_question_attempts.questionid HAVING questionid1>1 ") or die("Error: ".     mysqli_error($con));

            while($rowq= mysqli_fetch_array( $resultq))


                            echo $rowq['questionid1']."-".$rowq['rightanswer']."<br>"."<br>"."<br>";


查询 2

            $resultqall = mysqli_query ($con,"SELECT  mdl_question_attempts.rightanswer as rightanswer,count(mdl_question_attempts.questionid) as questionid1 FROM mdl_question_attempts,mdl_question_attempt_steps WHERE  mdl_question_attempt_steps.questionattemptid=mdl_question_attempts.id and mdl_question_attempt_steps.userid='1'  GROUP BY mdl_question_attempts.questionid HAVING questionid1>1") or die("Error: ".     mysqli_error($con));

            while($rowqall= mysqli_fetch_array( $resultqall))


                            echo $rowqall['questionid1']."-".$rowqall['rightanswer']."<br>"."<br>"."<br>";


                            //query 3            

            $resultqdup = mysqli_query ($con,"SELECT count(*) as duplicate FROM

                                            (select mdl_question_attempts.rightanswer as  ightanswer from mdl_question_attempts,mdl_question_attempt_steps WHERE  mdl_question_attempt_steps.questionattemptid=mdl_question_attempts.id and mdl_question_attempt_steps.userid='1'  and mdl_question_attempts.rightanswer<>mdl_question_attempts.responsesummary GROUP BY mdl_question_attempts.questionid HAVING COUNT(mdl_question_attempts.questionid)>1) as questionid1 ") or die("Error: ".     mysqli_error($con));

            while($rowqdup= mysqli_fetch_array( $resultqdup))


                            echo $rowqdup['duplicate'];




          return quiztwicewrong();

3 个查询的输出是

查询 1- 输出



查询 2- 输出



2-F   (I don’t want this part-this comes for the 3rd question, but  I want only the output related to query 1- ouput,only answer more than 1 time wromg)

查询 3- 输出







1 回答 1



SELECT ROUND(SUM(incorrect/answered)/COUNT(*), 3) as result
SELECT qa.questionid, 
SUM(IF(qa.rightanswer <> qa.responsesummary, 1, 0)) as incorrect ,
COUNT(*) as answered
FROM mdl_question_attempts qa
    INNER JOIN mdl_question_attempt_steps qas
    ON qa.id = qas.questionattemptid
WHERE qas.userid = $user
GROUP BY qa.questionid
HAVING incorrect > 1
) as totals
于 2013-08-20T01:09:06.253 回答