Oracle Java SE 教程中的另一个示例。它工作正常,但我不确定在创建内部类的实例时是否/为什么需要“this”。无论我是否取出它,结果似乎都是一样的。
为了清楚起见,我指的是:InnerEvenIterator iterator = InnerEvenIterator(); // 不知道为什么使用 'this'
public class DataStructure {
// create an array
private final static int SIZE = 15;
private int[] arrayOfInts = new int[SIZE];
public DataStructure() {
// fill the array with ascending integer values
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
arrayOfInts[i] = i;
public void printEven() {
// prints out the value of even indices in the array
InnerEvenIterator iterator = InnerEvenIterator(); // not sure why using 'this'
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
System.out.println(iterator.getNext() + " ");
// inner class implements the Iterator pattern
private class InnerEvenIterator {
// start stepping through the array from the beginning
private int next = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
// check if a current element is the last in the array
return (next <= SIZE - 1); // -1 b/c dealing with array's length.
public int getNext() {
// record a value of an even index of the array
int retValue = arrayOfInts[next];
// get the next even element
next += 2;
return retValue;
public static void main(String s[]) {
// fill the array with integer values and print out only
// values of even indices
DataStructure ds = new DataStructure();