我想使用 Windows Phone 8 中提供的新的 Cycle Tile 功能,尽管我在动态创建它时遇到了麻烦。尝试为 Cycle Tile 设置图像时出现我的问题,我似乎没有获得图像的正确路径。到目前为止我所拥有的如下


private void CreateApplicationTile()
        //App.PictureList.Pictures grabs all of my application images from IsolatedStorage
        int count = App.PictureList.Pictures.Count();
        int count1 = count - 9;
        var cycleImages = new List<Uri>();

        if (count > 0)
            //I only want to add the 9 most recent images if available
            for (int i = count; i > count1; i--)
                int index = i - 1;
                if (index > -1)
                    //Set file to type CapturedPicture, which contains the jpg, name, date, etc.
                    var file = App.PictureList.Pictures[index] as CapturedPicture;
                    //TilePictureRepository class saves the file (picture) to "Shared/ShellContent/"
                    //TilePictureRepository.IsolatedStoragePath = "Shared/ShellContent/"
                    TilePictureRepository.Instance.SaveToLocalStorage(file, TilePictureRepository.IsolatedStoragePath);

        // Select the application tile 
        ShellTile myTile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();

        if (myTile != null)
            Uri[] u = new Uri[9];
            using (IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                IEnumerable<string> files = isf.GetFileNames(TilePictureRepository.IsolatedStoragePath + "*").Reverse();
                int x = 0;
                foreach (string file in files)
                    if (x < 9)
                        u[x] = new Uri("isostore:/Shared/ShellContent/" + file, UriKind.Absolute);

            CycleTileData newTileData = new CycleTileData
                Title = "Tile Test",
                SmallBackgroundImage = new Uri("/Assets/Tiles/Tile_Small_159x159.png", UriKind.Relative),
                CycleImages = cycleImages,


据我了解,Cycle Tile 的平铺图像应保存在 IsolatedStorage 的 ShellTile 目录中。为此,我正在使用以下我快速修改的类(我真的只使用SaveToLocalStorage方法)


#region Constants

    public const string IsolatedStoragePath = "Shared/ShellContent/";


    #region Fields

    private readonly ObservableCollection<Picture> _pictures = new ObservableCollection<Picture>();


    #region Properties

    public ObservableCollection<Picture> Pictures
        get { return _pictures; }


    #region Singleton Pattern

    private TilePictureRepository()

    public static readonly TilePictureRepository Instance = new TilePictureRepository();


    /// <summary>        
    /// Saves to local storage
    /// This method gets two parameters: the captured picture instance and the name of the pictures folder in the isolated storage
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="capturedPicture"></param>
    /// <param name="directory"></param>
    public void SaveToLocalStorage(CapturedPicture capturedPicture, string directory)
        //call IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication to get an isolated storage file
        var isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
        //Call the IsolatedStorageFile.EnsureDirectory extension method located in the Common IsolatedStorageFileExtensions class to confirm that the pictures folder exists.

        //Combine the pictures folder and captured picture file name and use this path to create a new file 
        string filePath = Path.Combine(directory, capturedPicture.FileName);
        using (var fileStream = isoFile.CreateFile(filePath))
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(fileStream))

    /// <summary>
    /// To load all saved pictures and add them to the pictures list page
    /// </summary>
    public CapturedPicture LoadFromLocalStorage(string fileName, string directory)
        //To open the file, add a call to the IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication
        var isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();

        //Combine the directory and file name
        string filePath = Path.Combine(directory, fileName);
        //use the path to open the picture file from the isolated storage by using the IsolatedStorageFile.OpenFile method
        using (var fileStream = isoFile.OpenFile(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            //create a BinaryReader instance for deserializing the CapturedPicture instance
            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                var capturedPicture = new CapturedPicture();
                //create a new instance of the type CapturedPicture called CapturedPicture.Deserialize to deserialize the captured picture and return it
                return capturedPicture;

    /// <summary>
    /// To load all the pictures at start time
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadAllPicturesFromIsolatedStorage()
        //add call to the IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication to open an isolated storage file
        var isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
        //Call the IsolatedStorageFile.EnsureDirectory extension method located in the Common IsolatedStorageFileExtensions class to confirm that the pictures folder exists

        //Call the IsolatedStorageFile.GetFileNames using the pictures directory and *.jpg as a filter to get all saved pictures
        var pictureFiles = isoFile.GetFileNames(Path.Combine(IsolatedStoragePath, "*.jpg"));            

        //Iterate through all the picture files in the list and load each using the LoadFromLocalStorage you created earlier
        foreach (var pictureFile in pictureFiles)
            var picture = LoadFromLocalStorage(pictureFile, IsolatedStoragePath);



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