我是 AppleScript 的新手,我正在尝试编写一个执行以下操作的基本脚本:
在文件夹 ~/Dropbox/Camera Uploads 中查找精确为 640x1136(iPhone 5 屏幕截图)的图像 (PNG),并将它们移动到 ~/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/Screenshots。
我是 AppleScript 的新手,我正在尝试编写一个执行以下操作的基本脚本:
在文件夹 ~/Dropbox/Camera Uploads 中查找精确为 640x1136(iPhone 5 屏幕截图)的图像 (PNG),并将它们移动到 ~/Dropbox/Camera Uploads/Screenshots。
这就是我将如何做到的。我不会担心性能。我在 200 个文件上运行了图像事件部分,只用了 1 秒。
set picFolder to alias "Path:to:Dropbox:Camera Uploads:"
set screenshotFolder to alias "Path:to:Dropbox:Camera Uploads:screenshots:"
tell application "System Events"
set photos to path of files of picFolder whose kind is "Portable Network Graphics image"
end tell
set screenshots to {}
repeat with imgPath in photos
set imgAlias to alias imgPath
tell application "Image Events"
set img to open imgPath
if dimensions of img = {640, 1136} then
set end of screenshots to imgAlias
end if
close img
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
move screenshots to screenshotFolder
end tell
您需要有一个可识别 AppleScript 的应用程序,该应用程序可以根据图像文件的尺寸进行操作。我不认为 Finder 可以做到这一点,尽管它能够在 Finder 视图中显示图像的尺寸。
iPhoto 应该能够做到这一点。iPhoto 字典表明“照片”具有图像的宽度和高度。因此,您应该能够编写一个 AppleScript,首先将它们导入 iPhoto,然后选择符合您条件的那些,然后将它们保存到适当的 Dropbox 文件夹中。
根据您的需要,您还可以查看 Automator。它还包含 iPhoto 操作,包括“过滤 iPhoto 项目”。如果您创建一个文件夹操作,您应该能够创建一个 Automator 脚本,该脚本在您将新内容添加到您的 Camera Uploads 文件夹时启动,将它们添加到 iPhoto,然后将它们复制到您的 Screenshots 文件夹。
tell application "Image Events"
tell folder "Macintosh HD:Users:colin:Dropbox:Camera Uploads"
copy (files where kind is "JPEG image") to potentialScreenshots
repeat with potentialFile in potentialScreenshots
set potentialScreenshot to open potentialFile
set imageDimensions to dimensions of potentialScreenshot
if item 1 of imageDimensions is 640 then
set fileName to name of potentialFile
tell me to display dialog fileName
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
set folderPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Dropbox/Camera Uploads"
set screenshotsPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder) & "Dropbox/Camera Uploads/Screenshots"
do shell script "mdfind -0 -onlyin " & quoted form of folderPath & " \"kMDItemPixelWidth == 640 && kMDItemPixelHeight == 1136\" | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} " & quoted form of screenshotsPath
end try