大家好,这是我正在尝试做的事情,这是一个注册表单,首先我正在检查用户名是否可用,如果是,他们继续进行注册。如果用户名可用,我想给用户反馈,该名称可用并继续注册,问题是,我发出 ajax 请求,但响应一起返回,而不是一个,然后另一个,是否有我可以这样做,以便一个接一个地响应,下面是代码: *注意:php 和 js 文件都是外部的
url: "register.php",
type: "POST",
data: ({username: nameToCheck, password: userPass, email: userEmail}),
async: true,
beforeSend: ajaxStartName,
success: nameVerify,
error: ajaxErrorName,
complete: function() {
//do something
function nameVerify(data){
console.log('ajax data: '+data); // this gives both responses, not one then the other
if(data == 'nameAvailable'){
//user feedback, "name is available, proceeding with registration"
else if(data == 'registrationComplete'){
//user feedback, "registration is complete thank you"
else if(data == 'nameInUse'){
//user feedback, "name is in use, please select another…"
.php 文件
// the connection and db selection here
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$total = $row[0];
if($total == 1){
echo 'nameInUse';
echo 'nameAvailable';
register(); //proceed with registration here
function register(){
$password= $_POST['password'];//and all other details would be gathered here and sent
//registration happens here, then if successful
//i placed a for loop here, to simulate the time it would take for reg process, to no avail
//the echoes always go at same time, is there a way around this?
echo 'registrationComplete';