We have a goal funnel set up with these success percentages
- Shopping Cart (60% success)
- Checkout (99% success)
- Checkout Completed (99% success)
Does this mean that 60% of customers entered the Cart and never came back and finished the process. Or could it mean that some of those 60% went to the cart, went back to another product, added another product and THEN continued with the checkout?
I understand backfilling, but if a user enters a goal step, then leaves and returns, is that counted as both a success and a failure, or just a success?
You can imagine a scenario like this, if we only have one user who adds a product to their cart and goes back to the home page (1 entrance, and 1 exit on step 1 of the goal funnel, meaning 0% success / 100% failure rate) then adds another product to their cart (2 entrances to step 1 of the goal funnel), and this time then proceeds to checkout.
Will that be reported as 100% success (1 entrance, 1 success - google ignoring the previous failure) or 50% success (2 entrances, 1 success) in the Goal Funnel Visualization