We have a goal funnel set up with these success percentages


  1. Shopping Cart (60% success)
  2. Checkout (99% success)
  3. Checkout Completed (99% success)

Does this mean that 60% of customers entered the Cart and never came back and finished the process. Or could it mean that some of those 60% went to the cart, went back to another product, added another product and THEN continued with the checkout?

I understand backfilling, but if a user enters a goal step, then leaves and returns, is that counted as both a success and a failure, or just a success?


You can imagine a scenario like this, if we only have one user who adds a product to their cart and goes back to the home page (1 entrance, and 1 exit on step 1 of the goal funnel, meaning 0% success / 100% failure rate) then adds another product to their cart (2 entrances to step 1 of the goal funnel), and this time then proceeds to checkout.

Will that be reported as 100% success (1 entrance, 1 success - google ignoring the previous failure) or 50% success (2 entrances, 1 success) in the Goal Funnel Visualization


1 回答 1


这意味着 60% 的人拥有购物车(建议一个小网站,一些浏览器),99% 的人点击结帐,99% 的人付费,所以 0.6*0.99*0.99 = 0.58806(心算) , 我对吗?)

浏览您网站的人中有 58.806% 最终会向您付款。

更正式地说,它涉及拜耳法,因为事件不是独立的,你实际拥有的是某人拥有购物车的概率,因为他们访问了,然后结账的概率是多少,因为他们有购物车,然后是什么鉴于他们继续付款,他们付款的可能性。因此,您可以乘以 58.806%,因为您已经有了“给定”形式的概率,这更有用。

您问题中的示例将是 100% 的成功率,将在下一次编辑中解释原因。

好的,在您的示例中,该人在购物车中添加了一些东西,然后离开,如果他们随后清除了 cookie 并且没有您的用户帐户,当他们回来时,他们将没有购物车,系统将无法识别他们他们将是第二个访客。

你的 60% 是给定P(Have a non-empty shopping cart | they visit your site)|手段,P是概率。


P(C|V) = 0.6因此P(C'|V) = 0.4(非 C 的概率 - 没有购物车 - 给定某人访问)

访问者是可以通过 cookie 或帐户名称或您拥有的东西被跟踪为同一个人的人,它只是意味着“谷歌知道的访问者”


P(M|C)=0.99假设他们有购物车,他们进入结账台的概率是 0.99,


P(P|M) = 0.99

因此P(P|V) = 0.58806

这意味着到目前为止,平均每 100 人访问(模拟未来是另一回事),其中 59 人最终会付钱给你。

在每 100 个独特的 cookie/用户帐户中,您有 59 个最终会在某个时候向您付款。


于 2013-08-27T00:49:32.310 回答