我正在使用单进程版本 python 进行频率字数统计:
import string
import time
from collections import Counter
starttime = time.clock()
origin = open("document.txt", 'r').read().lower()
for_split = [',','\n','\t','\'','.','\"','!','?','-', '~']
#the words below will be ignoered when counting
ignored = ['the', 'and', 'i', 'to', 'of', 'a', 'in', 'was', 'that', 'had',
'he', 'you', 'his','my', 'it', 'as', 'with', 'her', 'for', 'on']
for ch in for_split:
origin = string.replace(origin, ch, ' ')
words = string.split(origin)
result = Counter(words).most_common(40)
for word, frequency in result:
if not word in ignored and i < 10:
print "%s : %d" % (word, frequency)
i = i+1
print time.clock() - starttime
import time
import multiprocessing
from collections import Counter
for_split = [',','\n','\t','\'','.','\"','!','?','-', '~']
ignored = ['the', 'and', 'i', 'to', 'of', 'a', 'in', 'was', 'that', 'had',
'he', 'you', 'his','my', 'it', 'as', 'with', 'her', 'for', 'on']
result_list = []
def worker(substr):
result = Counter(substr)
return result
def log_result(result):
def main():
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=5)
origin = open("document.txt", 'r').read().lower()
for ch in for_split:
origin = origin.replace(ch, ' ')
words = origin.split()
step = len(words)/4
substrs = [words[pos : pos+step] for pos in range(0, len(words), step)]
result = Counter()
for substr in substrs:
pool.apply_async(worker, args=(substr,), callback = log_result)
result = Counter()
for item in result_list:
result = result + item
result = result.most_common(40)
for word, frequency in result:
if not word in ignored and i < 10:
print "%s : %d" % (word, frequency)
i = i+1
if __name__ == "__main__":
starttime = time.clock()
print time.clock() - starttime
“document.txt”大约22M,我的笔记本电脑有核心,2G内存,第一个版本的结果是3.27s,第二个是8.15s,我改变了进程数(pool = multiprocessing.Pool( processes=5) ),从 2 到 10,结果几乎一样,这是为什么,我怎样才能让这个程序比单进程版本运行得更快?