我正在学习厨师并遵循#learnchef 教程,特别是 EC2 多节点 EC2 教程。我正在努力理解它在特定部分中的含义。
在第 10 节中,它说:
Next, we need to drop configuration files for Redis, specifically, we need the hostname. We can leverage Chef search for this:
redis_server = search(:node, 'role:redis').first
template "#{node['my_app']['root']}/shared/config/redis.yml" do
source 'config/redis.yml.erb'
owner node['apache']['user']
group node['apache']['group']
mode '0755'
:host => redis_server['ec2']['local_ipv4']
接着,Add the associated template in templates/default/config/redis.yml.erb:
# This file was created by Chef for <%= node['fqdn'] %>
# Do NOT modify this file by hand!
host: "<%= @host %>"
显然我理解后者,但它是什么意思:“删除 Redis 的配置文件”?