I am working on a wordpress site that uses flexslider for displaying an image gallery. The images are loaded in the html, but are not showing in the browser.

I can see the <div id="slider-1406-585559124" class="flexslider clearfix"> in the code, but has zero heigth.

The html in developer tools

Also, the li's should be like that <li style="width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -100%; position: relative; display: none;" class="">. Instead they lack the style attribute.

I tried disabling some plugins and it turned out that there was a javascript conflict with the "Q2W3 Fixed Widget" plugin, which makes boxed in the sidebar to remain fixed when the users scrolls.

Now I have disabled the plugin and it works fine. But any ideas on how to resolve the conflict? Because I really want to use that plugin.

The post with the problem

The Q2W3 Fixed Widget plugin is currently working on the homepage, if you need the see it's javascript.



1 回答 1


在我看来,对这些小部件框使用 JS 有点矫枉过正。只需使用插件所做的所有 css。


.widget_text, .widget_like_box {

这样您就不必处理 Javascript 错误和臃肿的代码。

此外,您的所有小部件都带有独特的类,您也可以应用 css 或通用的 .widget 类,它将针对每个小部件。

于 2013-08-23T21:06:31.613 回答