我有一个 DataGridViewTextBoxColumn,它包含不同类型的 DataGridViewCells(组合框、文本和按钮)。
这是我构建 datagridview 行的方法:
Public Shared Function BuildDgvRow(ByVal tq As clsTabsQuestion) As DataGridViewRow
Dim Row As New DataGridViewRow
Dim ComboBoxCell As New DataGridViewComboBoxCell
Dim CellBtn As New DataGridViewButtonCell //File Upload
Dim CellTxtQ As New DataGridViewTextBoxCell //Cell question
Dim CellTxt As New DataGridViewTextBoxCell //Cell txt
CellTxtQ = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell
//Build row
With Row
//Add cell that will contain question
//Add CheckBox / Button / Text to the other cell that will contain the answer
Select Case tq.sType
Case "YesNo"
ComboBoxCell = New DataGridViewComboBoxCell()
ComboBoxCell.Items.AddRange(New String() {"Yes", "No", "N/A"})
Case "FileUpload"
CellBtn = New DataGridViewButtonCell
Case "Text"
CellTxt = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell
End Select
//Set row values
.SetValues({tq.Title, ""})
.Tag = tq
End With
Return Row
End Function
我似乎无法从 DataGridViewButtonCell 类中获得任何“文本”属性。有没有办法在 DataGridViewButtonCell 上设置文本?这是一个问卷,用户可以创建自己的问卷。因此,他们可以选择组合框、文本或按钮作为他们问题的答案。