I've been experimenting with Angular for a couple of weeks and am a little bothered that I don't understand the magic employed by the $scope service. I've been successful in writing controllers that use the $scope service to update models/views and I've been able to write my own directives to do the same.

It's amazing! I just don't get what is going on under the hood with the $scope service. When I create something like the following, what is actually happening when I make the assignment to $scope.newproperty? I've not been able to find any documentation specific to the $scope service.

    $scope.newproperty = "Bound to model!" //magic!

Furthermore, when I create a new link function within a directive (example below), how is it that all of a sudden I can just access the scope with a variable? I assume there's some magic going on employing the $scope or $apply services, but I'm just left guessing. Any help here would be much appreciated. Thanks!

srvcs.directive('directiv', ['$http',function($http) {
   var returnObj = {
   link: function linkfn(scopeVar, instance, attr){
      scopeVar.newproperty = "Also bound to model!" //more magic!
   return returnObj;

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$scope isn't a service per se; it's just a child scope of the application's root scope. So you should check out the $rootScope service documentation.

Technically speaking, a scope is an object that prototypically inherits from $rootScope and it's created using the $new method. Since it's an object, you can create new properties on it just by doing $scope.property = value;. No getter/setter methods under the hood. To understand it better you should look up function $RootScopeProvider() in Angular source code.

And since the scope is just an object, you can access it in the link function within a directive the same way you do it in controllers. No magic required. :)

About $apply, it's not a service either, but a method of the $rootScope service. All it does is trigger a digest cycle in order for Angular to process the watchers of the current scope and its children.

Finally, you might be interested in checking out this post on understanding Angular scopes, in case you haven't already. :)

于 2013-08-17T20:25:04.660 回答