我正在使用这样的 laravel 查询生成器。
$col1 = Input::get('col1','');
$col2 = Input::get('col2','');
$result = DB::table('table1')
->select('id', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", [$col1])
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", [$col2])
->orderBy($orderBy, $orderType) //orderBy=col1, ordeyType=ASC
->skip($ofset)->take($limit) //$ofser=0, $limit=10
我什么也得不到。如果我使用 toSql() 函数。我得到这样的 SQL
select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3`
from `table1` where col1 like '%?%' and col2 like '%?%'
order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0
Log::info(var_export(DB::getQueryLog(), true));
2 =>
array (
'query' => 'select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3` from `table1` where col1 like \'%?%\' and col2 like \'%?%\' order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0',
'bindings' =>
array (
0 => 'k',
1 => '',
'time' => 25.71,
我认为绑定不起作用公关我做错了什么。因为如果我在数据库中尝试此代码它可以工作。(此外,我想获取发送到数据库的实际 sql。我该怎么做?)
select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3` from `table1`
where col1 like '%k%' and col2 like '%%'
order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0