I created my first app to show some HTML on IBM worklight. Here's what i did:
created a new project added navigation , dojo views and some such stuff
deployed it , previewed it
working fine in console as well as mobile browser simulator but not in avd or device
googled about this error, the only clear info i got was to uncheck the dojo library requests option from the console
i did that and the before and after results are provided in case you want to see them.
The only error i got in logcat(red colored flags: not sure if errors or warning as some people on google said they can be ignored but still here they are)
08-16 17:14:52.306: E/Web Console(586): Error: scriptError at file:///data/data/com.htmlProj/files/www/default/dojo/dojo.js:21 08-16 17:14:52.327: E/Web Console(586): Error: scriptError at file:///data/data/com.htmlProj/files/www/default/dojo/dojo.js:21
Here are the snapshots of console, MBS, and device before unchecking the Dojo Library requests:
And here are the screenshots after unchecking the Provide Library Requests:
The MBS and the console look the same. You can see that the device and the AVD show something yet they don't navigate to different pages, don't show the bottom toolbar.
here is the project structure , i think i have the *root.js files too