我创建了一个复选框,然后创建了一个 GUI。但是,我想在同一个 GUI 中创建另一个复选框,但它告诉我需要在下面的 BOLD 部分输入“return”。
如果我这样做,我的脚本的其余部分将停止。基本上,如果用户选中“是”,那么我想要该 GUI 中的第二个 GUI。但是如果用户检查否,那么我希望热键跳到脚本的其余部分(不包括在下面)。
Send, {ENTER}
gui, font, s14
gui, add, checkbox, w200 y15 vyesy, YES
gui, add, checkbox, w200 vnon, NO
gui, add, button, gfem, continue
gui, show, w200 h175, GYN EXAM?
Gui, submit
Send, {space}
Sleep, 500
if non = 1
send, {space}
gui, destroy
If yesy = 1
Progress, m2 b fs14 zh0, Date of LMP, , , Arial
Inputbox, LMP, LMP
Progress, Off
Sleep, 500
Progress, m2 b fs14 zh0, Duration`ndays wks mo , , , Arial
Inputbox, duration, Duration
Progress, Off
Sleep, 500
Send, Duration{SPACE}%duration%,{SPACE}
Progress, m2 b fs14 zh0, G_/P_ `nPlease include letters G&P, , , Arial
Inputbox, gp, G_/P_
Progress, Off
Sleep, 500
gui, font, s14
gui, add, checkbox, w115 y15 virreg, Irregular
gui, add, checkbox, w115 vhflow, Heavy flow
gui, add, checkbox, w115 vndys, Dysmenorrhia
gui, add, checkbox, w115 y15 x+8 vreg, Regular
gui, add, checkbox, w150 y+9 vflow, Normal flow
gui, add, checkbox, w200 y+9 vdysmenorrhia, No Dysmenorrhia
gui, Add, button, x120 y130 gGyYN, continue
gui, Show, w400 h200, GYN
gui, Submit
Sleep, 500
if irreg = 1
send, -{space}Irregular{space}
Progress, m2 b fs14 zh0, Further details of `nirregular flow, , , Arial
Inputbox, irf, Irregular flow details
Progress, Off
Sleep, 500
if hflow = 1
send, -{SPACE}Heavy flow{space}
Progress, m2 b fs14 zh0, Further details of `nheavy flow, , , Arial
Inputbox, hfl, Heavy flow details
Progress, Off
Sleep, 500
if ndys = 1
send, -{space}Dysmenorrhia{space}
Progress, m2 b fs14 zh0, Further details of `ndysmenorrhia, , , Arial
Inputbox, dysmni, Dysmenorrhia details
Progress, Off
Sleep, 500
- Normal flow- No Dysmenorrhia
if reg = 1
send, -{space}Regular
if flow = 1
send, -{space}Normal flow
if dysmenorrhia = 1
send, -{SPACE}No Dysmenorrhia
gui, destroy