有没有办法在 ASP.NET 项目上使用指纹扫描仪?如果是,有人可以为我提供示例代码或项目解决方案。该设备将用于网站的登录系统。另外,如果您能清楚地分解步骤,说明首先要做什么和下一步做什么,我将不胜感激。非常感谢
758 次
1 回答
Your question shows a misunderstanding of both fingerprint scanners and web sites.
Finger print scanners mainly store the password username and password, and then in response to a finger press enter that information into the appropriate spots.
In general web pages do not have access to the clients hardware, if they do (activex, java-applet, silverlight) it's generally limited and still probably best to just have a client side application.
于 2013-08-17T06:45:22.797 回答