搜索“attributeService”以查看它的使用位置,因为 Grails 在他的人工制品(控制器、标签库......)上使用依赖注入。
考虑到控制器应该尽可能轻,只处理请求,服务是操作域类(创建、保存、删除等)的好地方,这可能是 AttributeService 所做的。
这是移植到 Grails 的 Petclinic Spring 示例,也许它会帮助您理解控制器和服务的概念。
class AttributeService {
* This property decides whether the service class
* is transactional by default or not
static transactional = false
* Grails service class is singleton by default
* So class level variables maintain state across the requests.
* Beware of using global variables
def uiKey2Attribute = [:]
def internalName2Attribute = [:]
* You can either use def or the actual class as the return type
* Best practice is the provide the signature of method fully typed
* if you already know what the return type would be.
* This is self documenting.
* And would not confuse other developer if you use something like
* def create(internalName, displayName) which is valid in Groovy as well.
Attribute create(String internalName, String displayName) {
Attribute attribute = new Attribute()
attribute.setUiKey(internalName.replaceAll(' ', '_'))
//return is optional
//last statement in a method is always returned