switch (Ques){ case 1 : //first question about India and where it is in the map
System.out.println("in what continent India is?");
Scanner IndiaAns = new Scanner(System.in); //Scanner to receive user answer
String IndiaAns2 , IndiaAnswer ; //strings to be used to receive user input and matching with the correct ones
IndiaAns2 = IndiaAns.nextLine(); //Scanner will work here and receive...
IndiaAnswer = "asia"; //the correct answer here and will be matched with user ones
if (IndiaAns2 == IndiaAnswer)
{int Twopoints = 2; Points = + Twopoints; } else{}
case 2:
System.out.println("the Appstore founds in any phone model?");
Scanner Appstore =new Scanner(System.in);
String AppstoreAns1 ,AppstoreAns2; //strings saving
AppstoreAns1 = Appstore.nextLine(); //Scanner
AppstoreAns2 = "iphone"; //matching with user answer
if (AppstoreAns1 == AppstoreAns2)
{ int Threepoints = 3; Points = +Threepoints;} else { Points = +0;}